• 363 - I had my abortion and son on the same day!
    Sep 25 2024

    Abortion and Elective Termination has always been a topic in the US, with many opposing views. Roe v. Wade was a 1973 landmark decision by the US Supreme Court. The court ruled that a state law that banned abortions (except to save the life of the mother) was unconstitutional. The ruling made abortion legal in many circumstances. On June 24, 2022, this Dobbs decision was overturned making abortions illegal in many states even as early as 6 weeks gestation. Abortion is on the ballot in less than 50 days to election day.

    In the medical world miscarriages are called spontaneous abortions, and in this community we have to learn how to extend grace to individuals who electively terminate their pregnancies no matter their choice.

    Today’s episode is a solo episode as I am sharing my own personal abortion story. I have never told this story on this podcast, and wanted to share my truth to release the hurt, embarrassment, and shame I have worked through with therapy and carried around with me so many years. August 19, 2004 is a day I will never forget. It is also a day I almost lost my life ten years later giving birth to my rainbow baby boy.

    This episode is for you to listen to learn more about the healing that takes place post abortion and loss.

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    11 mins
  • 362 - Eliminating Shame, Guilt, and Regret with Post-Abortive Women with Latoya Mathews - REWIND
    Sep 18 2024

    Abortion and Elective Termination has always been a topic in the US, with many opposing views. Roe v. Wade was a 1973 landmark decision by the US Supreme Court. The court ruled that a state law that banned abortions (except to save the life of the mother) was unconstitutional. The ruling made abortion legal in many circumstances. On June 24, 2022, this Dobbs decision was overturned making abortions illegal in many states even as early as 6 weeks gestation. Abortion is on the ballot in less than 50 days to election day.

    In the medical world miscarriages are called spontaneous abortions, and in this community we have to learn how to extend grace to individuals who electively terminate their pregnancies no matter their choice. Join us this month as we explore abortion stories and how healing, grief, and shame can keep all of us bound.

    When today’s guest became pregnant with her daughter she sobbed to a friend “how was she going to take care of one when she had given up another” Latoya Mathews shares her abortion story, how post-partum depression along with guilt and shame of her abortion came alive after having her daughter, and how she has turned her pain into power by helping other post-abortive women eliminate shame, guilt, and regret of their abortions.

    This episode is for you to listen to if you are ready to release the shame and stigma of having an abortion and want a community to help you.

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    30 mins
  • 361 - Stress and Depression led to decision to Abort Pregnancy with Tiffany Nicole - REWIND
    Sep 11 2024

    Abortion and Elective Termination has always been a topic in the US, with many opposing views. Roe v. Wade was a 1973 landmark decision by the US Supreme Court. The court ruled that a state law that banned abortions (except to save the life of the mother) was unconstitutional. The ruling made abortion legal in many circumstances. On June 24, 2022, this Dobbs decision was overturned making abortions illegal in many states even as early as 6 weeks gestation. Abortion is on the ballot in less than 50 days to election day.

    In the medical world miscarriages are called spontaneous abortions, and in this community we have to learn how to extend grace to individuals who electively terminate their pregnancies no matter their choice. Join us this month as we explore abortion stories and how healing, grief, and shame can keep all of us bound.

    After becoming unexpectedly pregnant at 28 today’s guest fell into a deep depression due to the circumstances of her pregnancy. Tiffany Nicole takes us back on the journey toward healing from shame and stigma of abortion, and losing an ex to another woman. This episode is for you to listen to if you have ever been in a situation when you were stressed and depressed it made you physically ill, and how love and therapy can move you out of that depressed state.

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    47 mins
  • 360 - Pregnancy after Stillbirth with Tierra Hucke - REWIND
    Sep 4 2024

    Can you imagine having a doula and midwife, but still experience a stillbirth?

    Today’s guest had that experience. She was healthy, ate right, worked out consistently, and even worked with a midwife and doula at a birthing center throughout her pregnancy. At 36 weeks after a babymoon life changed for Tierra Hucke. She went to the hospital because she didn’t feel the baby move and was told the baby did not have a heartbeat.

    In this episode she shares her journey through grief, getting pregnant 2 months after loss, and delivery of her rainbow baby 11 months after she lost her son Jameson. This episode is for you to listen to if you have experienced a stillbirth, and want to know what pregnancy after stillbirth journey is like.

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    35 mins
  • 359 - Stillbirth and PTSD in Zimbabwe and Chiedza Makwara - REWIND
    Aug 28 2024

    Pregnancy and Infant Loss is not only a United States concern, but it’s worldwide. Today’s guest is from the continent (yes that continent that many think is a country) Africa. She experienced a stillbirth at 32 weeks in her home country of Zimbabwe.

    In this episode, Chiedza Makwara shares how pregnancy loss is still a taboo concept in Zimbabwe, how she experienced depression and PTSD after her loss, and how she is using her blog and platform to bring awareness to stillbirth.

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    32 mins
  • 358 - Recurrent Miscarriages and Male Factory Infertility with Tamika Henderson - REWIND
    Aug 21 2024

    Have you heard of male factor infertility?

    Male Factor infertility can be caused due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices, and other factors that lead to infertility.

    Today’s guest shares her recurrent miscarriage story and journey where her husband is experiencing secondary infertility by way of male factor. Tamika Henderson had miscarriages in 2016, 2017, and 2018, and it became so routine she knew she was miscarrying. After consulting with a fertility doctor she found out her fertility was due to male factor which was shocking because her husband already had two children. In this episode she takes us back on that journey to healing, and her next steps in her fertility treatments.

    This episode is for you to listen to if you have never heard of male factor fertility and how it effects a marriage.

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    25 mins
  • 357 - IVF Pregnancy after Ectopic Losses and Journey to afford IVF with Britne Taylor
    Aug 14 2024

    What does an IVF Pregnancy journey look like after losing your fallopian tubes?

    Today's guest experienced two ectopic pregnancies that resulted in blood loss but also for her to lose her fallopian tubes. Britne Taylor lost her fallopian tubes in her first year of marriage and saving for IVF seemed impossible as her job only offered $500 towards fertility benefits. A few years later she was recommended to become a doula through Sisters in Loss that helped assist her on her healing journey and save for IVF treatments.

    In this episode, Britne takes us on her journey of how becoming a doula and supporting over 18 families has healed her and serve as God told her to do while she waited and saved for IVF. She began her IVF journey in January 2023 and had 1 failed transfer and she is currently at the time we recorded 12 weeks pregnant with her miracle baby girl and she has another girl embryo waiting.

    We talk about the journey in waiting and how serving others helped her heal but also provided her with tools she is going to use during this pregnancy.

    This episode is for you to listen to if you are in your waiting season and want inspiration on hearing a success story and journey. This is also for you to listen to if you are interested in becoming a Doula and removing whats holding you back from serving others as God has called you to do.

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    40 mins
  • 356 - Cervical Insufficiency and Losing a baby at 17 weeks with Oneisha Perrotte-Lewis
    Aug 8 2024

    Have you heard of the term cervical insufficiency? Cervical insufficiency is the inability of the cervix to retain the fetus, in the absence of uterine contractions or labor (painless cervical dilatation), owing to a functional or structural defect. It is cervical ripening that occurs far from the term.

    Today's guest experienced an insufficient cervix and lost her baby boy Jayden at 17 weeks gestation. Oneisha Perrotte-Lewis booked her ultrasound for my gender reveal and went to the hospital for a second opinion after noticing a handful amount of blood and a specific pain that she knew wasn't average cramps. Her OBGYN would not listen to her when she let him know numerous times that she was experiencing a lot of pain but he told her that the pain I was experiencing was normal. She knew in her heart that it wasn’t normal. She was actually in pre-term labor and having contractions the entire time.

    In this episode Oneisha shares what happened after she birthed Jayden, how his birth inspired her to become a bereavement doula and start the Little Bean Foundation. Her foundation meant to bring awareness to all types of pregnancy and infant loss, to educate women and men about their bodies, to provide the necessary support as a Bereavement Doula and advocate for future safe, successful and healthier pregnancies. Little Bean Foundation provides a safe space for bereaved parents to be open and vulnerable in order to share their stories about their losses.

    This episode is for you to listen to if you have experienced cervical insufficiency or are interested in becoming a Bereavement Doula.

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    1 hr and 4 mins