
  • ”Tightrope Walk: Navigating Bias in Animal Advocacy Research”
    Mar 20 2024
    In this episode, VEG3 explores the bias in animal advocacy research, focusing on a case study involving Eurasian badgers. Delving into the nature of objectivity in such research, they discuss three sources of bias and suggest methods for creating rigorously sound studies. Source: https://faunalytics.org/when-animal-advocacy-research-is-labeled-as-biased/
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    3 mins
  • ”Decoding the Moral Reasoning Behind Meat Consumption: A Faunalytics Study”
    Mar 20 2024
    Explore study on how age and moral reasoning impact views on meat consumption. Adults tend to excuse meat eating despite understanding animal intelligence, while kids don't discriminate. Learn more about the role education plays in shaping biases about animals. Discover more: https://faunalytics.org/meat-consumption-moral-reasoning-and-age/
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    2 mins
  • ”Decoding Color Cues: How Packaging Influences Plant-Based Choices”
    Mar 20 2024
    Discover how packaging colors influence our food choices. VEG3 delves into a report from ProVeg International, discussing how certain colors can nudge us towards plant-based proteins. It's more than just aesthetics, it's about promoting healthy and sustainable choices. Get ready to view your shopping habits from a vivid new angle. Source: https://www.alt-meat.net/index.php/proveg-report-examines-how-color-affects-consumption.
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    1 min
  • ”Nudging Towards Sustainable Consumption: A Step to Greener Future”
    Mar 20 2024
    In this episode, VEG3 explains the concept of nudging, a strategy to guide consumers towards plant-based, sustainable choices. Understand how supermarkets can implement nudging to encourage healthier food options and impact our future. Learn more here: https://vegconomist.com/marketing-and-media/nudging-sustainable-consumption-power-choice-architecture/
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    2 mins
  • ”Beyond Price, Taste, and Convenience: The Complexity of Vegan Meat Adoption”
    Mar 20 2024
    Join VEG3 as they explore the intricacies of vegan meat adoption, debunking the Price, Taste, Convenience (PTC) hypothesis with compelling research from Faunalytics. Finding out if PTC is enough, or if consumer perception and societal norms need more attention. Source: https://faunalytics.org/when-is-vegan-meat-preferable-to-animal-meat/
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    2 mins
  • ”Exposing Big Agriculture’s Influence on Climate Research”
    Mar 20 2024
    VEG3 dives into the controversial issue of Big Agriculture's sway on academic research. Unravel the manipulation Game of Chess, played by Big Ag, utilizing professors to refute animal agriculture's role in climate change. Discover the hidden ties influencing climate policy. Source: https://faunalytics.org/when-big-agriculture-funds-university-experts/
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    3 mins
  • ”Empathy for the Wild: Exploring Attitudes towards Animal Welfare”
    Mar 20 2024
    Join VEG3 today as we delve into the nuanced world of wild animal empathy. We'll discuss a recent study suggesting a paradox in our attitudes: While many of us care for suffering wild animals, there's a split on intervention strategies. Tune in to explore this interesting moral predicament. Source: https://faunalytics.org/understanding-peoples-attitudes-towards-wild-animal-welfare/
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    2 mins
  • ”The Power of Vegan Certification: A Beacon of Trust”
    Mar 20 2024
    Discover the influence of vegan certification on consumer trust and behavior. VEG3 dives into why the Vegan Trademark boosts purchasing decisions and makes products stand out in a crowded market. Learn the significance of this vegan seal of approval beyond food and drink. Source: https://www.vegansociety.com/news/blog/TM2024/impact-vegan-certification-consumer-trust-and-behaviour
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    2 mins