• Words | Encouraging Words: Word Power - Part 3
    Jun 23 2024

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    Word Power – Part 3
    Springcreek Church | Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
    June 23, 2024

    #god #realspringcreekchurch #wordpower #encouragingwords #encouragment #words #changelives #beanencourager #barnabas

    Find Expanded Message Notes here:

    G.K. Chesterton (an English journalist) once wrote, “The really great person is the person who makes every person feel great.” Have you ever been someone else's motivator or inspiration? When was the last time you told your kid how special, how capable, or how uniquely gifted they are? Have you ever had someone come alongside you and give you courage to take a bold step that changed your life forever? Encouragement is one of the most powerful forms of word power there is. This Sunday, we’re going to learn how to use this power to change the lives of the many who surround our lives day by day.


    1. How do the disciples in Jerusalem respond to news of Paul’s conversion? Why might they have been skeptical? How do you think you would have responded? How might Saul’s ministry have been different had he not had a Barnabas in his corner?

    2. Have you ever judged someone based on their past? Why is that so common? Why do you think that it’s so hard for us to let go of who a person used to be? When should we be cautious and why?

    3. Do you know someone who seems to know exactly what to say or do to make you feel better? Maybe it’s one of your parents, teachers, or a really good friend. Is there someone who has had your back when others didn’t? What is about them that makes them so effective as an encourager? Have you ever thanked them?

    4. Can you identify a positive mentoring relationship in your life? What made it good? Have you had a negative mentoring relationship in your life? What made it bad? Who are the Barnabas’ in your life? I’m not talking about the flatterers or the one who tells you what you want to hear, but the person who always points you in the direction of God’s greatest good.

    5. Who needs to hear a good word from you? Who are you going to be a Barnabas to? What specific thing can you do this week to encourage that person?

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    43 mins
  • Words | Divisive Words: Word Power - Part 2
    Jun 16 2024

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    Word Power – Part 2
    Springcreek Church | Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
    June 16, 2024

    #god #realspringcreekchurch #wordpower #divisivewords #gossiphttps://www.springcreekchurch.org/

    Expanded Message Notes:

    At the office, suddenly no one is talking to you. There’s a distance between you and your fellow employees that’s unmistakable. What changed? You have been the victim of the office gossip. Someone has been talking to others behind your back, engaging in character assassination, and destroying your relationship network. But whether it happens at work, school, or church, the result is always the same, you feel betrayed and left unsure as to who you can trust. God has a lot to say about those who engage in divisive behaviors; why it grieves God’s heart, how to deal with the divider, and how God’s people are supposed to be different. Join us Sunday for a challenging message on Divisive Words.


    1. The Bible tells us, “The tongue has the power of life and death... (Proverbs 18.21).” Describe a time in your life when someone spoke words of life or words of death to you. How did it affect you? What staying power did those words have? How are you a different person today because those words were once spoken to you?

    2. Describe the things you learned today from this verse…
    There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. Proverbs 6.16-19

    Have you any other insights from this passage? Why does God hate these things?

    3. Gossip wouldn’t get very far if it were not for those who are more than willing to listen. Why is gossip so tempting? How have you seen it used to harm others? What can you do to prevent it from spreading?

    4. Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is a great example of what He came to do. One of things for which he prayed was unity. First, oneness with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And second, with one another. Why is it impossible to achieve oneness with one another without first having oneness with God? Why is division a sign of the enemy’s work? Why is oneness a sign of the work of God? In what ways has God stretched you to embrace those different from yourself? How have you witnessed the power of unity?

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    38 mins
  • Words | Critical Words: Word Power - Part 1
    Jun 9 2024

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    Word Power – Part 1
    Springcreek Church | Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
    June 9, 2024

    #realspringcreekchurch #wordpower #criticalwords #sticksandstones #criticism

    Find Extended Message Notes Here:


    Critical words are powerful regardless of whether or not they are true. Many of us heard critical messages in childhood we never questioned. As a result, we've based our lives on an erroneous and hurtful message and we demonstrate the power of words. Let's find out what God has to say about this.


    1. What hurtful words were spoken to you in your formative years? What effect did those words have on you? Now as an adult, what would you say to your younger self after hearing the sting of those words? What would you say now to the person who said that to you?

    2. Who do you trust to give you honest critique when you need it? Why do you trust that person? Is there anyone in your life who tends to be critical all the time? What’s it like to be around them? Three of the big motivations behind criticism are that some people hate themselves, some people envy you, and some people criticize because they love you. Where does your critic fall?

    3. When we’ve been criticized relentlessly by those we cared about and trusted, we develop a resistance to all criticism. It triggers us. It causes a stronger-than-normal emotional reaction. Yet not all criticism is bad for us. How do you develop a more open mind and heart toward criticism?

    4. It’s easy to allow critics to cross a line and become our judge. But Paul makes clear that no one, not even yourself, is competent enough to be your judge. How have you allowed critical remarks to define you? How do you change your inner thinking to be more consistent with the way the Father sees you? It’s God's desire that you lead a condemnation-free lifestyle. Write this verse out: Romans 8.1. Read it every day. Remind yourself that this is the truth about you regardless of what others have said!

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    41 mins
  • Spiritual Life | Prescription for a Dull Spiritual Life
    Jun 2 2024

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    Springcreek Church | Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
    June 2, 2024

    #god #realspringcreekchurch #prescriptionforadullspirituallife #prescription #spirituallife #connect #grow #serve

    Is your spiritual life not what it used to be? Has the fire gone out? The hunger you once felt for the things of God, is it growing or has your appetite been diminished? Believe it or not, people experience dullness in their spiritual life for very predictable reasons. It doesn’t have to be that way. On Sunday (June 2), Pastor Keith will walk us through the root causes of spiritual dullness and explain God’s prescription for a growing, vital and life-giving connection to Christ. This may be the most important message you will hear this year.


    1. Richard Swenson in his book Margin talks about many different kinds of overload. From the list below, which of these forms feel the most relevant to you right now?

    • Activity overload

    • Change overload

    • Choice overload

    • Commitment overload

    • Debt overload

    • Expectation overload

    • Information overload

    • Media overload

    • Noise overload

    • Fatigue overload

    Guide the group through the following prayer exercise. Close your eyes and spend a minute or two in silence, calling to mind some kind of image that represents the limit that you are struggling to accept. Now, imagine Jesus walking up to you. Slowly imagine yourself handing Him that object, and with it, your finiteness in that area. How does He respond? Take some time in silence imagining His response.

    2. What practices have you adopted, presently or in the past, to facilitate life with God? Which were “upstream” (challenging, but good for you) and which were “downstream” (easy for you and your personality)? What time of day and what space works best for you to spend time alone with God?

    3. What current habits in your life are moving you toward the goals of being with, becoming like, and doing what Jesus does? What current habits and rhythms are getting in the way? What is one daily rhythm that you’re excited about adding? What is one weekly rhythm that you know you need to add?

    4. The three spheres of spiritual growth or what Pastor Keith referred to as Christ’s sacred rhythm, are growing, connecting and serving. It’s time to do a spiritual check-up. Where are you strongest and where are you weakest? In what ways did today’s message challenge you to devote more time to the area where you have room for growth?

    5. The spiritual disciplines are all various ways of creating space for God in your life. Which disciplines have you tried and what has been your experience? Which ones have you never tried? How has God met you during your engagement with the spiritual disciplines?


    BOOK - Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer

    For more information on developing a rule of life and use of the spiritual disciplines


    Two booklets – How to Unhurry and Rule of Life can be downloaded from Springcreek’s resource page (https://www.springcreekchurch.org/resources)

    Pastor Keith’s prior teaching on spiritual growth can be heard here (https://www.youtube.com/@RealSpringcreekChurch) In particular, listen to the following series, The Way, Rooted, Discipleship, Prayer, Ghost.

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    43 mins
  • Change | Seasons of Rest: Seasons - Part 2
    May 26 2024

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    Seasons – Part 2
    Springcreek Church | Dr. Jessica Fernandez
    May 26, 2024

    #god #realspringcreekchurch #seasons #seasonsofrest #rest #sabbath

    The seasons of rest invite us to slow down and savor God's restorative peace. In our fast-paced world, rest can seem elusive or even unnecessary. However, the Bible emphasizes its spiritual importance, offering us a model for recharging and reconnecting with God. We'll examine biblical examples of rest, understanding its role not only as a command but as a gift from God. This message aims to transform our perspective on rest, encouraging us to integrate it into our lives as a vital component of our spiritual well-being.


    1. Reflect on a time when you felt overwhelmed by life's demands. How did you cope, and what would you change about your approach to rest?

    2. Considering the statistic that 59% of U.S. adults found the last year to be the most stressful, how can we as a church community support each other in finding rest?

    3. Discuss the implications of Mark 2:27-28 ("The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath"). How can this understanding change the way we view rest?

    4. What practical steps can you take this week to observe the Sabbath in a way that truly rejuvenates your spirit and body?

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    27 mins
  • Change | Seasons of Change: Seasons - Part 1
    May 19 2024

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    Seasons – Part 1
    Jerrid Fletcher, Lead Associate Pastor
    May 19, 2024

    #god #realspringcreekchurch #seasons #seasonsofchange #life #opportunity #joseph

    In the seasons of change, we will explore the transformative power of life's unpredictable seasons. Change, whether sudden or gradual, can be daunting. Yet, it holds incredible potential for spiritual growth and deeper reliance on God. We will explore stories from scripture where God led His people through profound changes, teaching us how to respond to our own life shifts with faith and resilience. These lessons will equip us to see change not as a disruption, but as a divinely appointed opportunity for renewal and deepened faith.

    Discussion Questions

    1. How do the lyrics of "A Change Is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke resonate with your personal experiences of unexpected changes?

    2. In what ways can reflecting on the lives of influential figures like Sam Cooke help us understand and navigate our own life changes?

    3. How do you relate to the analogy of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) in terms of your own life experiences?

    4. Can you share a personal story of a significant life transition and what you learned from that experience?

    5. What has been the most unexpected event in your life, and how did it impact you positively or negatively?

    6. How do you typically react to unexpected changes? Do you see these changes as opportunities for growth or as obstacles?

    7. Which biblical story of unexpected change (Ruth, Paul, Job, Mary, Joseph) do you find most inspiring or relatable? Why?

    8. How do these stories encourage you to maintain faith and perseverance during challenging times?

    9. What specific aspect of Joseph's story (faithfulness, gratitude, integrity) speaks to you the most in dealing with adversity?

    10. How do you practice gratitude in your daily life, especially during tough times?

    11. How do you ground yourself in faith during times of unexpected change?

    12. In what ways do you seek and rely on support from your community, family, or friends when facing major life transitions?

    13. How do you cultivate flexibility and openness to new opportunities and strengths in your life?

    14. How does Psalm 30:5 ("Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning") provide comfort and encouragement to you?

    15. Can you share a time when a period of difficulty in your life was followed by joy or a positive outcome?

    16. Reflecting on your current life season, how do you see God working through your circumstances?

    17. What steps can you take to commit to faithfulness, endurance, and integrity in the face of unexpected changes?

    18. How does prayer help you seek God’s guidance and strength during uncertain times?

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    32 mins
  • Mother's Day | Deborah: An Unexpected Model for Motherhood
    May 12 2024

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    DEBORAH: An Unexpected Model for Motherhood
    Mother’s Day 2024 - May 12, 2024
    Springcreek Church | Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
    May 12, 2024

    #god #realspringcreekchurch #deborah #model #mother #mothersday

    This Mother’s Day, we would like to celebrate a woman who doesn’t fit the role of a stereotypical mom. The Bible calls her a mother to the nation but most scholars agree that she likely didn’t have any children of her own. She is a strong, confident leader who is also a warrior, prophet, and judge. She messes with your categories of what a Mom is supposed to be but she is celebrated in the pages of Scripture for being exactly who God made her to be. Join us as we look at motherhood through God’s lens and celebrate what makes mothers special.


    1. Pastor Keith, in his introduction, talked about the cycle of judgment in the book of Judges and how with each repetition, things got worse producing a downward spiral in the nation. He explained how sin is repetitious, monotonous, and destructive. But the second defining characteristic of sin is, if left unaddressed, it will always escalate. How and where have you seen the truth of this played out? How is addiction an example of this principle? What is necessary to break free of this destructive cycle?

    2. Do you know someone that you consider to be a “great leader” (preferably someone you know personally)? What makes him or her excellent?

    3. What things can we learn about leadership and the way God operates based on his choosing of Deborah and her unique gifts and roles in the life of Israel? Why do you think Scripture intentionally parallels the song of Moses alongside the song of Deborah? Do you think the high role of Deborah in Judges should play a part in determining what roles women can and should play in the Church today? Why or why not?

    4. Just like in this story, sometimes it seems that the deck is stacked against us and the enemy has all the advantages. It’s easy to get overwhelmed. But God has a plan. The question is, are we willing to do it His way? Or are we too busy making caveats, exceptions, and putting conditions on our obedience? Have you ever been asked by God to do something, that at the time, didn’t make sense but in the end, it was the best choice? If you’re up against something particularly challenging right now, what in this story speaks to you about what you could or should be doing right now?

    5. As Virginia Ely said it, your life truly represent a fresh thought of God and He has put you where you are to make a difference. If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you attempt for God? What dream has He placed in your heart? What longings have you had that never seem to go away? You do realize, don’t you, that if God wills something to happen, it will happen. You will never ultimately fail in following God.

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    37 mins
  • Faith | Building Faith through Trials: Unshakeable Faith - Part 4
    May 5 2024

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    Unshakeable Faith – Part 4
    Springcreek Church | Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
    May 5, 2024

    #god #realspringcreekchurch #unshakeablefaith #faith #bible #trials #difficulties #adversity

    Few things are less welcome in our lives than trials, difficulties, and pain. Yet it’s these very things that often leave us with some of the greatest gifts - not the least of which is a stronger faith. Still, this is not what happens with everybody who experiences adversity. For some, trials will produce bitterness, misery, and hopelessness. How do you ensure that you’re a part of the former group and not the latter?


    1. Take a moment and review the chart called the Progression of Harmful Emotions. The process that ends in defeat almost always begins with disappointment. As disappointment festers it moves us to a place of discouragement. Unchecked, discouragement will twist itself into disillusionment. As disillusionment overwhelms you, it will eventually corkscrew down into depression. Then, ultimately, we end up defeated. Have you ever found yourself in this downward spiral? What, if anything, did you do to arrest those deepening negative feelings? What would you say to someone or what might you do to support someone experiencing this?

    2. Dr. Jerome Frank at Johns Hopkins talks about what it means to live in an "assumptive world." He says all of us make assumptions about life, about God, about ourselves, about others. But when our assumptions don’t square with reality, we become confused, angry, and disillusioned. Have you ever labored under a faulty assumption of life? What was it? How did it affect you? How has your understanding of life, relationships, and problems changed?

    3. Pastor Keith pointed out how much of the book of Job actually details the faulty assumptions of Job’s friends. At least one of the intended purposes is to examine how we approach others when they’re hurting, facing setbacks, or are going through major financial, relational, emotional or spiritual challenges. Have you ever been on the receiving end of advice from someone who didn’t know what they were talking about? Tried to make you think you had done something terrible as an explanation for your difficulties? Or just judged you without knowing all the facts? What effect did that have on you? What did you do or say in response? In retrospect, what do you wish you had said or done? Have you ever been guilty of treating others in a similar way?

    4. Take some time to discuss the following finding by UW Health…

    "Research has found that up to 70 percent of people experience positive psychological growth from difficult times, such as a deeper sense of self & purpose, a greater appreciation for life & loved ones, & an increased capacity for altruism, empathy, & desire to act for the greater good.” – UW Health (April 7, 2020)

    Have you seen this in your own life? In the life of others? Have you also seen circumstances where adversity produced something negative & resulted in a more permanent negative mindset? What do you think separates those who see positive results from difficult times versus those who experience negative results?

    5. George McDonald said, “No words can express how much the world owes to sorrow.” There are plenty of examples of this. Most of the Psalms were written in the midst of difficult situations. Most of the Epistles of the New Testament were written in prisons. Most of the greatest thoughts of the greatest thinkers of all time had to pass through the fire. John Bunyon wrote Pilgrim’s Progress from jail. Florence Nightingale, too ill to move from her bed, reorganized the hospitals of

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    41 mins