• Crucifixion and Predestination. Episode Four.
    Jul 11 2022
    In our third episode last week we started to discuss the doctrine of Predestination. We looked at the question of whether Jesus was predestined to die for our sins from before the foundation of the earth and we shared with you what God’s Holy Spirit told us concerning that matter. Secondly we started to discuss the matter of our own supposed predestination. Have we been predestined by God for either faith and salvation, or unbelief and condemnation, even before we were born? We will continue with this matter today in our final episode. Here is what we have in our hearts. We have read many articles and teachings concerning the doctrine of predestination and we have found a multitude of different views on what it actually is and how it works. Many people choose to avoid the topic and decide to just stick to focusing on the central theme of the Bible which is Jesus and the Gospel of His salvation. I agree that keeping your eyes focused on the Gospel of Jesus is all you need to do and to keep a firm hold of it. But what if the doctrine of Predestination teaches that you can only believe in Jesus and accept His salvation if you have been predestined to do so? This becomes a real and life-threatening issue. Feel free to contact us: lilyandrosefield@gmail.com and visit our facebook page at Flowering Fields Podcast. 
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    29 mins
  • Crucifixion and Predestiantion. Episode Three.
    Jul 4 2022
    In this episode we are then going to look at the doctrine of Predestination. Firstly, was Jesus predestined to die for our sins from before the foundation of the earth? Many preachers claim this as fact. Secondly, have we been predestined by God for either faith and salvation, or unbelief and condemnation, even before we were born? Here is what we have in our hearts. Feel free to contact us: lilyandrosefield@gmail.com and visit our facebook page at Flowering Fields Podcast. 
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    24 mins
  • Crucifixion and Predestination. Episode Two.
    Jun 27 2022
    The topics of discussion in this series is the crucifixion of the man called Jesus of Nazareth as well as the doctrine of Predestination. In our first episode last week we started to explain why Jesus had to come to earth and what His death and resurrection means for us. In this episode we will continue where we left off with this topic and show you how we could never save ourselves and how Jesus was the only one who could bring us back into the presence of God. We will also look at why the first century Roman Empire was the perfect time in History for Jesus to have come on His rescue mission. We hope you find our words helpful and that it brings comfort to your heart. Please feel free to contact us. lilyandrosefield@gmail.com or visit our facebook page at Flowering Fields Podcast.
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    25 mins
  • Crucifixion and Predestiantion. Episode One.
    Jun 20 2022

    The topics of discussion in this series is going to be the crucifixion of the man called Jesus of Nazareth as well as the doctrine of Predestination. This series consists of four episodes that will be published over the next four weeks. We hope you find it helpful and that it brings comfort to your heart.

    Many people don’t understand the significance of what Jesus did for all humankind by dying on the cross. Why did Jesus have to die? People find the manner in which Jesus died offensive and cannot see how a God who is supposedly loving and compassionate could give His only Son to such a cruel death. Then there is the question of predestination. Was Jesus predestined to die for our sins from before the foundation of the earth? And have we here on earth been predestined by God to spend our eternity either in heaven or hell?

    We will look at these questions more closely in the course of this series and explain what God has taught us in this regard in order that we might share it with you.

    Please feel free to contact us. lilyandrosefield@gmail.com or visit our facebook page at Flowering Fields Podcast

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    22 mins
  • How to view and read the Bible. Episode six.
    May 30 2022

    Welcome to all our listeners, we are happy and grateful that you have joined us for this last episode in our series.

    In our previous episode we began explaining how the Bible was canonized and also showed you how faulty translation in the story of Elisha and the Bears distorted God’s true nature. In this last episode in our series we are going to continue with how the books of the Bible came to be chosen and put together. We are also going to discuss some of the Apostle Paul’s letters and how things he wrote and did show clear signs that he was writing from his own cultural background and not from a new Jesus-centred culture.

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    28 mins
  • How to view and read the Bible. Episode Five
    May 25 2022

    Everyone who has come to know Jesus and who reads the Bible with discernment cannot help but find that the Bible is still a fascinating book.

    Even if the stories told in the Bible are not all true or happened exactly as it is told, we still find that it teaches us a lot about God’s nature if we read with discernment.

    Non-believers often challenge Christians with stories like Jonah who was swallowed by a giant fish, or the ten plagues in Egypt and the Red Sea opening so that the Israelites could walk through on dry land, or the Creation story in Genesis where it is stated that God created the Earth in six days. What if all of these things did not really happen exactly as it is written? Will you stop believing in Jesus as the Messiah, the only Son of God? What if the Red Sea did not part quite as it is described, or Jonah is simply a myth, or Daniel did not really have to face a den full of hungry lions? Will your faith in God diminish and completely vanish? Or will you, as we said before, simply shrug and say – it doesn’t matter if it happened or not, I still believe in Jesus and in God and I believe with all my heart that if God had wanted to part the Sea, or have Jonah rescued by a fish, He could absolutely do it, and He still can, because My God is still the only living God. What does it matter if the Earth was created in six days or six million years? God is still the one who created it. So, Genesis does not state explicitlythat God created dinosaurs long before He created humans, still none of us can deny that dinosaurs existed here on earth before we did. We have the scientific proof of it. They did not just appear out of thin air, they were made by the Creator on purpose. Since God is the only real God and the only Almighty being who could have created such wonderful creatures as the dinosaurs, it was surely God who created them before He decided to create us. So even though they are not mentioned in Genesis we know God created dinosaurs. Does this invalidate everything we read in the Bible about God and Jesus? No, it simply teaches us that not everything about God is written down in a book and that not everything about Him that is written down is the truth.

    Do you see how that makes sense?

    Please find us on Facebook at Flowering Fields Podcast or write to us at Lilyandrosefield@gmail.com 

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    30 mins
  • How to view and read the Bible. Episode Four
    May 18 2022

    At the end of our previous episode we were looking at how the authors of Biblical texts often wrote down words that had been handed down to them through many generations of oral tradition and how the concept many times became distorted, thus also distorting God’s true nature. They added characteristics about God that they had borrowed from the idols of other nations and not what they themselves had actually known and experienced God to be.

    It would have been much easier for us if the people who wrote down these ancient texts had not often times seen God the way they did the other gods they had come into contact with. It would also have helped if the people who wrote some of these stories down for us to read concerning Yahweh and the history of Israel and Christianity, had truly had a better and more intimate relationship with God.

    Please find us on Facebook at Flowering Fields Podcast or write to us at lilyandrosefield@gmail.com

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    29 mins
  • How to view and read the Bible. Episode Three
    May 9 2022

    In our previous episode we spoke about how ancient writers of Bible texts wrote things about God’s character and how He worked in people’s lives without they themselves really having proper knowledge of God’s nature. The Ancient Israelites seem often to be lacking in real understanding of who this God was that they worshipped and they frequently have little real love and relationship with Yahweh. And this is where misconception can easily lead to faulty representation of God.  Today we continue with our topic and show how easily misconceptions of God are formed and how they get passed on through time. 

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    29 mins