• Episode 11: The Secret to Funnel Building Success with Ryan McCrary
    Jun 19 2024

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ryan McCrary, a seasoned funnel builder and the mastermind behind The Funnel Doctor Agency. Ryan shared his journey from a finance background to diving headfirst into the world of entrepreneurship and digital marketing. His transition into funnel building was a result of the necessity to generate income as an entrepreneur, leading him to discover the power of funnels, advertising, and lead magnets.

    Ryan's expertise in funnel building and paid ads shines through as he delves into the importance of consistency in business and the need for a viable product or service before implementing a funnel strategy. He emphasizes the significance of building a list and generating leads consistently to lay a strong foundation for successful marketing campaigns.

    The conversation also touches on Ryan's foray into speaking engagements, where he shares insights on creating million-dollar Facebook ad campaigns and the key role of consistency in achieving marketing success. Ryan's ability to tailor his funnel strategies to various industries, such as the travel and therapist niches, showcases his adaptability and expertise in catering to specific client needs.

    Ryan's passion for helping businesses thrive through effective funnel building strategies shines through. His advice to focus on lead generation and building a strong list resonates as a fundamental step for any business looking to leverage the power of funnels and digital marketing.

    Check out Ryan on social media and explore The Funnel Doctor Agency's website to take a deeper look into the world of funnel building and digital marketing. Ryan's wealth of knowledge and experience make him a valuable resource for businesses looking to elevate their marketing strategies and drive success through effective funnel implementation.

    Website: https://thefunneldoctoragency.com/

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    35 mins
  • Episode 10: Redefining Hospitality with Eric Moeller
    Jun 12 2024

    In this episode of Escape Artist, I had the pleasure of interviewing my friend Eric Moeller, the founder of Freewyld, a brand redefining short-term rental hospitality. Eric shared his journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, highlighting the pivotal moments and challenges he faced along the way.

    We jump into Eric's background in real estate and his transition from running an online educational business to founding Freewyld. Eric's passion for creating meaningful and intentional travel experiences was evident as he discussed the inspiration behind his brand and the unique concept of "wild mode" to help guests disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature.

    Throughout the conversation, Eric chats about the importance of community and connection, both in personal relationships and in business. He shared insights on the value of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals and the impact of leading and participating in communities.

    The episode also touched on the significance of prioritizing personal values and fulfillment over financial success. Eric's journey exemplified the courage and introspection required to pursue one's passions and create a business aligned with one's true purpose.

    Listeners were encouraged to visit the Freewyld website to explore the nature-inspired properties and experience the transformative concept of "wild mode." The episode concluded with a message of inspiration and admiration for Eric's bravery and dedication to building a business that fosters genuine connections and meaningful experiences.

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    38 mins
  • Episode 9: From Corporate Life to Coaching with Mitch Matthews
    Jun 5 2024

    In this episode of Escape Artist, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mitch Matthews, a renowned success coach, speaker, and entrepreneur. Mitch shared his inspiring journey of breaking free from the corporate nine-to-five grind to pursue his passion for coaching and encouraging others.

    Mitch's story began in the pharmaceutical industry, where he excelled in sales and corporate training. However, a promotion led him to a role that didn't align with his true calling, prompting him to seek a new path. Through introspection and reflection on his past passions, Mitch discovered his love for coaching, mentoring, and developing people.

    As Mitch transitioned into the coaching world, he faced challenges and setbacks, including a lack of business training in his initial coaching program. Despite these obstacles, he persevered, experimented, and eventually found success by developing a unique approach to coaching and business building.

    Mitch chats about the importance of self-assessment and experimentation for aspiring coaches and entrepreneurs. He shared valuable insights on the coaching predictability of success assessment (CPSA) that he developed to help individuals determine their suitability for coaching. Mitch also highlighted the significance of embracing one's natural gifts and passions, urging listeners to value their unique abilities.

    Throughout the conversation, Mitch's genuine passion for encouraging others shone through, inspiring listeners to pursue their dreams and take bold steps towards creating a fulfilling life. His practical advice and encouragement resonated with the audience, reinforcing the idea that clarity, intentionality, and commitment are key to achieving success in any endeavor.

    You can check out Mitch’s website at www.mitchmatthews.com to explore resources, including the CPSA assessment, and to connect with him for further guidance on their coaching and entrepreneurial journey.

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    42 mins
  • Episode 8: The Art of Social Media Engagement with Brandy Jones
    May 29 2024

    Welcome to another exciting episode of Escape Artist! In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Brandy Jones, a social media expert who has successfully transitioned from the corporate world to entrepreneurship. Brandy shares her inspiring journey of breaking free from the traditional nine-to-five grind to pursue her passion for social media.

    Brandy's story is one of resilience, determination, and triumph. She started her entrepreneurial journey while working multiple jobs, including managing a restaurant and working in the marketing industry. Despite facing challenges and juggling various roles, Brandy's entrepreneurial spirit shone through as she navigated the ups and downs of building her own business.

    One key takeaway from Brandy's journey is the importance of client success stories and retention rates. By focusing on delivering exceptional results for her clients and maintaining long-term relationships, Brandy has built a strong reputation in the industry. She emphasizes the value of genuine connections, human engagement, and storytelling in social media marketing.

    Throughout the episode, Brandy shares valuable insights on how to leverage social media effectively, emphasizing the need for authenticity, purpose-driven content, and consistent engagement. She highlights the power of networking, referrals, and client testimonials in growing a successful social media business.

    Listeners are encouraged to prioritize human connection, meaningful interactions, and genuine engagement on social media platforms. Brandy's advice resonates with the core essence of social media – connecting with others authentically and building relationships that drive business success.

    Join us on this enlightening journey with Brandy Jones as we explore the transformative power of social media, entrepreneurship, and the pursuit of personal and financial freedom. Tune in to learn actionable strategies for enhancing your social media presence and creating a thriving online business. Let's escape the confines of the traditional work environment and design the life we've always dreamed of.

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    47 mins
  • Episode 7: From Fear to Action: Finding Your Purpose with Lisa Zelenak
    May 22 2024

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with my good friend Lisa Zelenak, a seasoned sales coach and entrepreneur. We discussed Lisa's journey of leaving her 9-5 job to pursue her passion for helping others and creating impactful transformations.

    Lisa shared her background, starting from her college days when she founded a nonprofit organization, showcasing her initial courage to step into the unknown. This pivotal moment set the stage for her future endeavors in business and coaching. We discussed the importance of facing fears and embracing courage to pursue what truly matters.

    The conversation then shifted to the concept of transformation and how it plays a significant role in Lisa's coaching and business ventures. Lisa emphasized the power of listening to people's needs and providing value through transformational experiences. We explored the idea of standing for something rather than focusing on a specific niche or purpose, highlighting the importance of authenticity and relatability in business.

    Lisa also shared insights into her latest project, Startup Miami, a physical space designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and growth for entrepreneurs. She discussed her vision for expanding the space into multiple floors and incubators, aiming to revolutionize the way business is conducted and bring about positive change in the entrepreneurial landscape.

    Throughout the episode, Lisa's passion for helping others and creating meaningful transformations shone through. Her dedication to listening, understanding, and serving people was evident in her approach to coaching and business. Listeners were encouraged to embrace their fears, stand for something meaningful, and focus on impact and transformation in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

    To learn more about Lisa Zelenak and her work, listeners can connect with her on Instagram at Lisa.Zelenak or follow Startup Miami for updates on her latest projects and initiatives. This episode served as a reminder to show up imperfectly, embrace transformation, and make a difference in the lives of others.

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    38 mins
  • Episode 6: Discovering Your Authentic Identity with Don Mamone
    May 15 2024

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Don Mamone, a speaker, identity coach, and diversity consultant. Don shared their journey of self-discovery and embracing their authentic self, particularly in terms of their non-binary identity. Their story is one of courage, self-acceptance, and empowerment, as they navigated the challenges of coming out and finding their true identity.

    Don highlighted the importance of unearthing one's identity and recognizing the potential for creating a greater impact by being true to oneself. They emphasized the significance of authenticity in both personal and professional settings, sharing insights on how being genuine can lead to greater connections and opportunities.

    Throughout the conversation, Don shared personal anecdotes and experiences, illustrating the transformative power of embracing one's true self. They discussed the process of acknowledging, accepting, embracing, and owning one's identity, offering a four-step framework for individuals seeking to overcome internal conflicts and live authentically.

    Don also touched on the impact of authenticity in business, emphasizing the value of aligning one's personal brand with their authentic identity. They highlighted the importance of being true to oneself in professional settings, as it can lead to differentiation, stronger connections with clients, and a more fulfilling career.

    Listeners were encouraged to explore their own identities, confront internal conflicts, and embrace their uniqueness. Don shared insights on how individuals can navigate challenges in their careers, advocating for authenticity and self-love as key drivers of personal and professional success.

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    39 mins
  • Episode 5: From Nanny to Seven Figures in Digital Marketing with Mila Markson
    May 8 2024

    In this episode, I am joined by Mila Markson, a remarkable individual who transitioned from being a nanny to achieving seven figures through her successful affiliate and digital marketing business.

    Mila shares her story of initially aspiring to the American dream of a stable job and income when she moved to the U.S. from Brazil, but eventually realized it wasn’t for her and she wanted more for her life. She highlights the challenges she faced, including language barriers and lack of experience, which led her to explore online opportunities.

    Through dedication and perseverance, Mila found success in affiliate marketing, leading to significant financial growth and the ability to retire her husband from his corporate job. She also discusses the importance of having a strong "why" behind your actions and the determination to overcome obstacles.

    Mila's journey took off when she started creating organic content on Instagram, which became her primary platform for reaching her audience. She discussed the pivotal moment when she realized her business was thriving and the impact of consistent testing and learning in her success.

    After seeing success in the affiliate marketing space, Mila began to create her own program called Millionaire Wealth Academy. She emphasized the value of focusing on one business model, product, and platform to achieve success before expanding into other areas.

    Throughout the episode, Mila's authenticity, approachability, and dedication to sharing her knowledge shine through. Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to take action, focus on a single goal, and let your "why" drive you forward.

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    25 mins
  • Episode 4: The Power of Asking with Danny Walsh
    May 1 2024

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Danny Walsh, a seasoned entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in the online business space. Danny's approach to business is rooted in putting people first and focusing on helping others.

    Danny shares a bit about his background, growing up in a deprived area in England, to starting a music business and later transitioning into entrepreneurship. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, Danny's unwavering desire to help others has been a driving force in his career.

    One key takeaway from our conversation was the importance of asking for what you want. Danny shared a poignant story about a friend who struggled to ask for help, ultimately leading to a tragic outcome. This served as a powerful reminder of the impact of not speaking up and seeking support when needed.

    We discuss the significance of giving value to others and how it can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities.

    Throughout the episode, Danny's message of focusing on people, values, and the power of asking resonated deeply. His hat, emblazoned with the words "Wealth is of the heart and mind, not of the pocket," encapsulates his philosophy of prioritizing relationships and making a positive impact.

    You can connect with Danny on Facebook at facebook.com/DannyWalshMarketing, seek advice, and explore opportunities for collaboration. The episode concluded with a call to action for individuals to reflect on their values, prioritize helping others, and embrace the power of asking for what they need.

    Start your journey of digital marketing at https://www.sidehustlelaura.com/dwa


    00:00:00 - Introduction and Background

    00:03:51 - Overcoming Setbacks and Building Resilience

    00:09:15 - Importance of Vision, Mission, and Core Values

    00:14:42 - Monetizing and Providing Value

    00:19:43 - The Power of Asking

    00:24:30 - Real-Life Takeaway: The Importance of Asking

    00:28:49 - Receiving and Acting on Quality Advice

    00:29:16 - Closing Thoughts and Contact Information

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    34 mins