
  • Targeted: Daniel Simms' Facing Retaliation by Officers at AHCC
    Sep 14 2024

    In this compelling episode of "Targeted: Daniel Simms' Fight Against Retaliation in Prisons," host Daniel Simms shares his harrowing experiences just one week after re-filing a civil rights lawsuit against the AHCC facility. As he faces an alarming level of psychological abuse from certain officers who are personally biased against him, Simms recounts a series of troubling incidents that exemplify the retaliation he’s enduring.

    From being unjustly written up for a minor infraction while sleeping to facing disciplinary action after choosing a video visit with his wife over voluntary programming, the narrative reveals a disturbing pattern of harassment. Simms also highlights the role of Sergeant Eastep, who has openly expressed his disdain for him, in the decision-making process regarding his infractions.

    Join us as Daniel delves into the details of his fight for justice and the systemic issues within the prison system. If you feel compelled to support Daniel, please visit the Defund DOC Facebook page or reach out to Linda for information on how you can send emails to prison administration on his behalf. Your voice can make a difference!

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    14 mins
    Sep 12 2024

    Grand release of the underground hip-hop Diesel Therapy album has passed. Virtually no albums were sold. The financial loss of the album and other DefundDOC.net initiatives could lead to bankruptcy. But failure is not an option. The Defund D.O.C. movement is bigger than its costs. So we will pinch pennies. Humble ourselves, pray for miracles, and continuing serving our community. As a self-funded social justice mission that seeks systemic change we know it will be hard. We are committed to the mission. Committed to you and all our people. To pay our expensive platform bills we wanted to share the Diesel Therapy songs one more time. If you don't find a song you like, identify with, or enjoy then it will be a surprise. Listen to all eleven tracks in this episode and you will most likely agree. And what adds even more power is how incredibly substantive the lyrics are. Sitting in your car driving down the road internalizing the struggles of our people will open your eyes and change many hearts. Another incentive to get the album is that for all of September DefundDOC.net is giving away three books, "Hopeless in Seattle: A Fosterkid's Manifesto," "The Art of Living: Everything You Need to Achieve Success in Life and Business, I Learned in Prison," and "Defund D.O.C.: Turning All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers," all for free! This is a limited time offer. Remember you can only get the album at DefundDOC.net/music-album.

    We are still growing the Defund D.O.C. movement and greatly need others to like, share, and repost DefundDOC.net content. Please consider writing reviews on whatever platform you listen to this podcast on. That will increase the ability of others find our podcast. Our hope and prayer is that we raise the National profile of the Defund D.O.C. movement so that systemic change can be debated.

    Co-host Daniel J. Simms petition for resentencing has been denied by silence. If you are poor and without attorneys you don't even merit a proper denial letter. This is the second time Daniel has applied for resentencing or clemency and both times they simply did not reply. Daniel is resigned to the fact he may die in prison but he refuses to give up. Currently he is exploring new avenues in the Courts. Regardless many people believe Daniel is being murdered by the State. Therefore we need advocates and supporters to write letters and emails to help obtain his freedom. If you are interested please contact us today.

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    51 mins
    Sep 2 2024

    Landis Reynolds was a child, a teenager, when the State unfairly sentenced him to a slow death sentence. Sentencing children to die in prisons across the country made the United States an outlier in the civilized world. Virtually no other Nation in the world forecloses children to die in prison. Thankfully the judicial system has finally caught up to the undisputable science that children brains are not fully formed. Children are incapable of comprehending impacts on victims, potential criminal consequences, and even how their actions may affect others including their own family members. Most reasonable minded people would admit to the incontrovertible truth that children are less culpable. Natural law testifies to such an unassailable fact. Yet legislators, judges, prosecutors, and many others ignore the truth and continue to sentence children harshly. For instance, brain scan imagery has proven that the frontal lobe does not form the synapse connections required for fully matured thinking until after age twenty-five years old. So it is not until one is twenty-six years old that one should be held fully culpable under the law. Nevertheless many States, including Washington, have glossed over that scientific fact. Only extending youthfulness to those close to the archaic age of eighteen. That ancient benchmark was arbitrary. Eighteen years old is not some magical age when minds are mature enough to handle scenarios better. Brain imagery has proven that a falsity. The proper age is twenty-six years old. Therefore Landis wrote a book detailing a new way forward. He has embarked on a mission to educate. To break stereotypes. And refocus the National policy conversations away from demagoguery and towards science based approaches. Landis shares his compelling stories of prison life, rehabilitation, and redemption. While also dreaming for mercy, forgiveness, and freedom. Landis profound episode is one you will not soon forget. Listen to the hidden jewel wrongly warehoused in prison. Perhaps afterwards you will understand how very evil and corrupt the criminal justice system is today.

    The deeply meaningful underground, Diesel Therapy, album has been released! Eleven tracks of goodness that will give you anthems to play over and over again! If you have a loved one presently, or formerly, incarcerated, are a civil rights activist, a social justice warrior, or simply love good lyrics and music, you must buy this album! All proceeds goes back into the DefundDOC.net social justice mission. For thirty days only we are offering the DefundDOC.net digital bundle. All three books, "Hopeless in Seattle: A Fosterkid's Manifesto," "The Art of Living: Everything You Need to Achieve Success in Life and Business, I Learned in Prison," "Defund D.O.C.: Turn All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers," and the Diesel Therapy album all for $9.99. A savings of $32.00. This is a once in a lifetime deal! It won't last long. Click here now: www.DefundDOC.net/Music-Album

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    50 mins
    Aug 11 2024

    ***In this episode, at around 35 minutes 50 seconds, we had an uninvited visitor on the podcast. You can hear an unusual, unexplained whisper of a voice at the same time Linda is speaking. We have been completely baffled, and someone terrified by it. Linda cannot make out what it says, but everyone else has come up with the same word, and it’s not a very nice one***

    Justina Madenska grew up on the Law Enforcement side of the Crime War. Her Father, a Judge, surrounded Justina with Bailiffs, Prosecutors, Police and Jail Officers, and other Judges. Justina remembers spending nights in the County Jail carelessly doing her school homework while prisoners were suffering hopelessly in locked cages. Growing up in the Crime Wars hard on crime ideologies Justina soon followed her Fathers footsteps into the law profession. There was no doubt that upon completion of law school and passing the BAR exam Justina would become a Prosecuting Attorney. Justina did not disappoint. She promptly became a Deputy Prosecutor. Thriving in the field of prosecuting troubled Americans. But one case changed everything. A death penalty case. Justina obtained the conviction which condemned the man to death. The experience however awakened Justina to the truth that many on the other side of the government have known for a long time. That the criminal justice system is supremely unfair. Actual death penalties and slow death sentences of incarceration were being passed out like candy to the most disadvantaged in our communities (i.e. those impoverished, minorities, and the mentally ill). Unsophisticated juries were convicting Americans solely because a Prosecutor told them too. Even when the evidence was lacking. Then Judges handed down sentences that effectively ended their lives. Piping those troubled peoples into a inhumane exploitative prison system. The systemic forced slavery, the guard brutality and oppression, the prison administration corruption, the warehousing, the extreme prisoner on prisoner violence created by artificial scarcities, and the lack of meaningful treatment and educational opportunities, all culminating into wasted lives of misery. After deep introspection Justina felt compelled to join the key civil rights struggle of our generation. Advocating for the voiceless. Fighting for a criminal justice system that seeks to rehabilitate and restore fellow Americans rather than destroy them. The insights and experiences Justina shares are invaluable. Anyone that wants to understand the massive injustices occurring across the Country must pay attention. She shares effective ways to advocate for the overdue reforms we all need to be demanding.

    The reality show LOVE AND PRISON ACTIVISM crowdfunder is up and live at https://gofund.me/060cf2e4 . We desperately need help to raise funds! To accomplish the dream of humanizing our incarcerated people and their loved ones so that systemic reform can happen is possible if we unite. Please promote and donate to your Countrys criminal justice system reform movement TODAY! We need you!

    Co-host Daniel J. Simms Petition for Resentencing is still pending before Leesa Manion at the King County Prosecutors Office. Due to HB 6164 Prosecutors have the discretion to Resentence rehabilitated citizens. Daniel has exhibited extraordinary rehabilitation. He is quite literally a productive contributing member of society even from behind prison walls. Almost twenty years of incarceration for a crime where no one was severely hurt is excessive. The ends of justice would best be served if Daniel was released and reunited with his community. If you want to support or advocate for Daniels release we GREATLY need your help! Please reach out to us or contact Leesa Manions King County Prosecutors Office directly.

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    1 hr and 12 mins
    Jul 15 2024

    In this explosive episode we interview Cadmus Publishing owner, Ken Passaro, as he shares his remarkable story and how he ended up in the publishing business. A product of a broken home, fatherless, and struggling with traumas Ken found himself piped into prison just like millions of other Americans. While in prison his labor was exploited and wages stolen, treatment and educational options were practically nonexistent, he was surrounded by violence and guard brutality, and he was released in severe poverty. Which is essentially the story of millions of fellow troubled Americans. Unlike masses of other released prisoners Ken self-rehabilitated himself. Striving arduously to discover true peace, productivity, and happiness despite mass incarceration's deep adverse impact on his life. Finding his Higher Power was the key to his redemption. Now he is dedicated to freeing the voices of prisoner authors. Unleashing the untapped potential of our troubled people so that their words can break stereotypes and disrupt the evil mass incarceration system.

    Co-host, Daniel J. Simms, Petition for Resentencing filed with Leesa Manion, the King County Prosecutor, is still pending. Daniel has been incarcerated since February 2006 for a botched drug deal (See: State of Washington v. Daniel J. Simms). No one was severely hurt. No one was murdered. No one was sexually assaulted. Yet Daniel is being murdered by the State with an egregiously long sentence. Daniel's rehabilitation is beyond extraordinary, with three published books, a podcast, blog, and countless certificates including as a Certified Paralegal, the ends of justice would be best served mercifully freeing him. That is why Daniel direly needs advocates and supporters to lobby Leesa Manion's Office for Resentencing. Please contact DefundDOC.net to help, or contact the King County Prosecutor's Office directly at www.KingCountyProsecutorOffice.gov/LeesaManion. Thank you.

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    29 mins
  • Washington's Finest: How Past Trauma and Love Shaped an Activist - With Guest Kehaulani Walker
    Jul 7 2024

    Focusing on the compelling story of Kehaulani Walker, we learn how her past pain, trauma, and husband's incarceration awakened her to Carceral State injustices giving her a new lifelong passion. Now Kehaulani is busily running three organizations FOTi, PUA, and Roots Up, dedicated to improving prison conditions. If there were awards for the most effective State of Washington Activist Kehaulani Walker would win first prize. She has put her energy and sweat on the D.O.C. reform battlefield. Inevitably incurring the ire of D.O.C. prison authorities. She has faced down attempts to silence and dissuade her from vigorously defending our troubled people's human rights and dignity. When Kehaulani works on an inequity or abuse D.O.C., Staff know she will not give up until the matter is remedied and resolved favorably. The episode dispels harmful tropes such as "do the crime, do the time," "you brought this upon yourself," and numerous other falsities used to excuse Carceral State human rights violations. Highlighting political elites incentive to use the media bully pulpit to vilify "crime" and "criminals" to increase the prisoner felon slave class. Explaining how criminalization of behavioural health has become big business. Detailing how the Carceral State exploits forced prisoner slave labor to subsidize mass incarceration. Keeping prisoners impoverished and in a beggarly state to extract billions of dollars from their families and friends.

    The explosive episode also breaks news of incarcerated co-host Daniel J. Simms Petition to the King County Prosecutor Leesa Manion for Resentencing. Daniel asks listeners to e-mail www.KingCountyProsecutorOffice.gov/Leesa_Manion to voice their support for Daniel's release.

    Moreover July 4th is the beginning of DefundDOC.net crowdfunding journey to raise funds for the World's 1st social justice prison reform reality TV show "LOVE AND PRISON ACTIVISM." All donators receive gifts and rewards that far exceed their donation. Including the opportunity to become a reality Star or appear in the show. Sign up now at www.DefundDOC.net.

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    50 mins
    Jun 15 2024

    Hell on earth. A torture chamber. A death trap. Just a few names that incarcerated Americans and their supporters are calling the state of Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Waupun Correctional Institution. There have been four deaths in one year, countless lawsuits, gross negligence, vicious guard brutality, systemic oppression, overwhelming petty rules, and the exhausted existence of our people across the country. But, at Waupun Correctional Institution, the level of inhumanity and cruelty surpasses belief.

    In this nation of grand wealth and infinite resources, we have an evil wickedness resting in the dark recesses of our prisons. DOC is the largest slaveholder in human history. Stealing the wages of millions of Americans is an out-of-control kleptocracy. How can goodness, love for fellow man, and successful reentry ever occur in a hate-filled environment as has been created in DOC? It cannot. That is why recidivism is at 83.4 percent nationally, and recidivism is a meager 20 percent in Norway and Finland where sentences are low and educational and career opportunities are prolific. Waupun is just one more example of systemic cruelties stemming from a slave system.

    Interviewing Tresa Hewlett and her incarcerated son Damien Hewlett, we delve into the truth about what is actually happening inside those walls. Waupun is the latest prison where abuse has finally spilled out into the public sector. Of course, for every one prison that gets exposed for its atrocities, there are twenty that go unheard of or unaddressed. It is time to put an end to the Department of Corrections experiment. Defunding it, and turning all prisons into treatment and career centers.

    Learn more about the truth that is happening across our country. All new subscribers receive a free digital copy of one of my books. You can choose either “Defund DOC: Turning All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers”, or “The Art of Living: Everything You Need to Achieve Success in Life and Business, I Learned in Prison”. Just subscribe at DefundDOC.net.

    Remember, we need your help! On July 4th, we are launching the most anticipated, world’s first social justice reality show crowdfunding for “Love and Prison Activism”. Everyone who donates will have the opportunity to appear at demonstrations or audition to be on the show. We are accepting pre-commitment donations at this time. Subscribe for updates.

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    56 mins
    Jun 6 2024

    The country lit up with millions of Americans protesting systemic abuses highlighted by the martyr George Floyd. It was the largest social justice mass demonstration in human history. Politicians and mass media took notice. For days afterwards they waxed and waned about reforming the system. Then within days they were back to demonizing troubled Americans that made bad decisions labeled crime (i.e. minorities, the impoverished, and the mentally ill). They promptly returned to perpetuating the status quo. As of date, no meaningful systemic change has occurred anywhere in the United States criminal justice system. Police STILL overpoliced disadvantaged communities and subjects the communities to blatant abuse and murder. Prosecutors STILL persecuted disadvantaged citizens while failing to hold criminal cops accountable. Courts STILL railroaded masses of our people into cruelly long sentences while finding criminal cops not guilty for murders like Emmanuel Ellis. Mass incarceration STILL enslaved our troubled Americans, stealing their labor wages, and depriving them of meaningful treatment or educational opportunities. From the Police on the beat, the Prosecutors and the Judges in the Courtroom, the Prison Administrator profiteers, and the complicit Politicians that govern our people by fear and control, it is a corrupted system that needs reform. Politicians and mass media received the message when the demonstrations were occurring. But they did not truly GET it. Now we have to make it MORE clearer. That is what the world's 1st social justice reality show "LOVE and PRISON ACTIVISM" seeks to do. We plan on filming the inherent injustices and inequities that mass incarceration breeds. Showcasing patriotic supporters and loved ones of troubled Americans that demonstrate and protest against the Carceral State. Demanding fundamental change: (1) ending prisoner slavery, (2) turning all prisons into treatment and career centers, (3) ending the drug war, (4) adopting extreme socialization reentry programs into all prisons, (5) returning the vote to felons and prisoners Nationwide, and (5) reducing all sentences for non-homicide offenses down to a maximum of eight to ten years. Those overdue reforms will decarcerate our Nation and take the incentive (i.e. free prisoner labor) away from the Carceral State. Which will decrease police, prosecutor, and judge budgets significantly over time. The Government should not be in the business of enslaving and exploiting our People. It should solely be in the business of saving, helping, and restoring our People. To achieve this monumental aim we will need your help. We need everyone in the Country to join. It is a true David versus Goliath undertaking. We are currently opening up pre-commitments for donators zealous to be in the front line in the social justice battle. The reality show Stars will be picked from those that donated. Furthermore all those that donate will have the opportunity to be filmed in the reality show during protests and demonstrations. Additionally there are gifts and other prizes which donators will receive so pre-committing a fixed amount assures your reward.

    Remember all new subscribers can get a free digital copy of the book, Defund D.O.C.: Turning All Prisons Into Treatment and Career Centers, or, The Art of Living: Everything You To Achieve Success in Life and Business, I Learned in Prison. www.DefundDOC.net.

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    29 mins