
  • Dancing with the Devil
    Sep 27 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, discusses the meaning of the phrase “Dancing with the Devil.” He defines the phrase as undertaking risky behavior and hanging out with risky people. He points out how the world encourages risky behavior and rejects God, the Bible, and Christianity. The devil is Satan and Dr. Hall uses several biblical examples to demonstrate how God’s children have been dancing with the devil since the beginning of time. Every time we sin, we are dancing with the devil and embracing evil. He points out how the whole world is dancing with the devil and that the devil plans to feed us with lies, deception, and discouragement. Several examples show how we are dancing with the devil in modern-day life. He uses Scripture that teaches us that God will not let us be tested beyond our abilities and will provide a way out if we have him in our hearts. Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/1IFP3sKeqaY

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    28 mins
  • Praying for the US
    Sep 21 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, notes how the second assassination attempt on former Pres. Donald Trump has spawned an increased interest in prayer for our country and the safety of the former President. Dr. Hall points out that most Americans say they pray daily, weekly or monthly. He uses Scripture as examples of how we should pray and how we should not pray. The examples of prayers by Jesus are explored along with His teaching about prayer. Dr. Hall addresses the common questions that some people have about prayer. He points out that prayer is not only a duty but a natural inclination of the human heart. The podcast concludes with Dr. Hall pointing out that prayer is an act of obedience and that it’s clear in Scripture that we have not because we asked not. Can be heard on all podcast search engines. Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/eNJ40gWj-NI

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    27 mins
  • Voting and the Christian
    Sep 14 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, uses the Apostle Paul’s teachings in Romans 13:1-7 as instruction on whether Christians should be voting in this election and what our attitudes should be toward civil authorities, including the thin blue line, our police officers and sheriffs. Dr. Hall explains what Paul meant when he wrote, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.” The listeners are reminded that the Bible provides a long and respected tradition of civil disobedience. The civil disobedience that has been undertaken by Christians today is discussed. Paul wrote Romans 13 during the reign of the evil depraved Roman Emperor Nero. Paul’s message to Christians today is that we can simultaneously criticize the sins and shortcomings of political leaders while rendering them due honor for the God-ordained services they provide. Dr. Hall concludes this podcast with the assertion that no matter who wins the presidential election biblical teaching is calling on Christians to honor and respect that office. Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/raS0hXf07Uc

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    29 mins
  • An Election-Immorality
    Sep 7 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, addresses the presidential election and the choices that the voters will make. He focuses on the extraordinary immorality that is being allowed to occur in America. Some of it is related to the open border policies and other immoralities have to do with policies that appear to have been undertaken for political gain. He uses the story of the prophet Nathan addressing King David in the Old Testament as an example of how godly people must confront political leaders when immorality is present. The volume of abortions in America is addressed with particular attention given to the number of babies that are killed in the womb who are over 21 weeks old. His attention then turns to the presence of transgenderism and gender identity issues that our government is promulgating. Dr. Hall examines the child sex trafficking that is occurring on our southern border as a result of the de facto open border. The podcast concludes with listeners being challenged to vote in this presidential election for the leader committed to ending immorality facilitated by our government. Can also be seen on YouTube at:

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    35 mins
  • The Deep State-Jericho
    Aug 31 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, explains the definition of the deep state and the swamp. He sees these elements in our society as a modern-day Jericho, a walled fortress inhabited by pagans blocking citizens’ pathways to the promised land. He uses the Old Testament story of the battle of Jericho as an analogy. The restrictions on the display of the 10 Commandments in public places and prayer in schools are used as examples of how a modern-day Jericho inhabited by pagans is suppressing God’s people. The battle of Jericho is retold in some detail. Dr. Hall concludes the podcast by reminding the listeners that they are in the midst of a battle for God’s promised land today. He points out that it is very easy to get caught up and grumble about things that are inconsequential in the grand scheme of God’s actions. We face a walled city today filled with pagans known as the swamp and the deep state. Dr. Hall stresses to the listeners that we cannot let our nation become a sinful morass of evil ideas. Can also be seen on YouTube.

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    31 mins
  • The U.S. and the Fear of God
    Aug 24 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, reacts to the mobile abortion clinic that was provided outside the Democratic National Convention, providing free abortions. He points out how it represents the depth of evil in our society. Dr. Hall identifies a number of other evils prevailing in our society and suggests that if these things persist that God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. The things that are contributing to our toxic society are reviewed with Dr. Hall pointing out that when a person acts violently, horribly, or insanely they are viewed as someone needing help. But when the entire society needs help the insane behaviors become normalized. Dr. Hall discusses the role of God as judge and lawgiver and the role of the wrath of God. Time is spent explaining the true meaning of the phrase, “fear of God” in the Bible. Dr. Hall explains how the Hebrew biblical term, “fear of God” should be interpreted as a sense of deep respect, awe, and reverence for the covenants that God has reached with his people. Believers should not be afraid of God because his wrath is reserved for those who have turned their backs against Him. Can also be heard on all podcast search engines and seen on YouTube at:

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    30 mins
  • Are Christians Hypocrites<
    Aug 15 2024

    Ordained minister, Dennis Hall, and his guest Bill Little, church leader at Amelia Plantation Chapel discuss the problem of Christians being labeled hypocrites. They point out that there are some Christians that are just trying to get their ticket punched and avoid going to hell and it is time to invite
    God to completely transform you. Bible reading is discussed as a fundamental tool to becoming more like Christ and offer some practical approaches to reading the Bible. The role of prayer as the cornerstone of Christian faith is key to becoming more Christ-like. They use long term marriage as analogy to how we must constantly work on marriage to make it successful, and it is the same with God to avoid growing apart. They point out that we need less sleep and more prayer, less TV and more Bible study, less shopping and more tithing, less eating and more exercise, less taking and more listening, and less work and more worship. Don't miss this conversation about achieving a richer and fulfilling Christian walk. It can be seen on all podcast search engines.
    Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/_pHTHWN0mns

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    53 mins
  • Trump and Divine Appointments
    Aug 10 2024

    Ordained minister, Dr. Dennis Hall, expresses outrage at the mocking of former president Donald Trump’s professed Christianity. He began the podcast by pointing out that people’s lives are changed regularly by divine appointments. These God-ordained meetings produce life-changing experiences that profoundly affect the people involved in the strength of their faith. The experience of Paul and Silas in jail is discussed. What began as a hopeless night in prison for Paul and Silas became a divine appointment that led to the transformation of the jailer and his entire household. The story of Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts: 26-40 is an amazing stand-out story of a divine appointment. It resulted in a conversion experience of the Ethiopian who is described as a missionary to his people by historians. Dr. Hall points out that every time we find ourselves in the vicinity of a stranger, we should be open to the chance that this is a sacred event and that it is not just some serendipitous accident. The podcast concludes with the warning that we should be ready and excited that God may at any time or place bring us into a position, however briefly with a person that may have a profound impact on our life in their life. Can also be seen on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/-mjTPH7KmWw

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    28 mins