
  • How Portage, Alaska Became a Ghost Town
    Sep 22 2024
    The tiny coastal town of Portage, was located about 47 miles southeast of Anchorage, Alaska, on the Seward Highway. It used to sit on the shore of Cook Inlet. More about that later in this edition.The town was an early transportation hub connecting the coastal areas with the interior of Alaska.The port at Portage was busy with both cargo and passengers. There were also railroad facilities.Although it’s difficult to imagine now, as a transportation hub, the town of Portage was a busy, community.The Town of Portage, Circa 1960sThe photo above was taken by Bob Pendleton and appears here, courtesy of Alaskan Artist, Cindy Pendleton.Before the 1964 earthquake, anyone traveling from Anchorage on the Seward Highway, toward the Kenai Peninsula, or traveling from the peninsula, were happy to stop in the town of Portage. You could gas up your car, have lunch or visit the bar.Mike of Anchorage Memories, recalls when he was about 11 years old, there was a sign in the restaurant that read something like this:“You can ask to have 1,000 year old ice in your drink”Apparently, once in a while, the owner of the restaurant and bar sent someone to nearby Portage glacier to chip off a block of glacier ice. The ice was then broken into smaller chunks and customers could enjoy having an actual miniature iceberg in their drink. Something to tell the folks about back home.The Town of Portage had a sense of HumorIn the photo above is a hand-painted sign that welcomed all to Portage.Do You Want to Amaze Your Friends and Family?Just share this edition of the Alaska VIP Club. They’ll discover an Alaska “Ghost Forest”, a Ghost Town, and enjoy a good laugh about the sign above.Thanks for reading and listening to the Alaska VIP Club. This post is public, so feel free to share it.What Happened to the Town of Portage, Alaska?On Good Friday, March 27, 1964, a 9.2 earthquake struck Alaska. It was the biggest earthquake in U.S. history.The powerful and horrifying quake shoved some sections of land up and caused others to suddenly sink. Incredible damage followed.Portage, located on the shore of Cook Inlet, was hit hard.Here’s a documented account of what happened when the earthquake struck:“An eyewitness who was in a service station on the west side of the highway said he and a companion ran out the east door of the building as the concrete floor began to crack.They got about three feet out of the building when a crack about three feet wide opened between them. He said that cracks formed about each of them, leaving each man on a small island about three feet wide that moved up and down. He said it was like riding an open elevator.As he went down, the other man went up. And then they'd pass each other going in opposite directions. He said that the earth all around them broke into similar pieces and that as the blocks of frozen earth moved up and down, the cracks also opened and closed causing muddy water to spout as high as 50 feet.He said after the shaking stopped, water filled the open cracks. He estimated the duration of the quake at about four to five minutes.” Source: Chronology of Physical Events of the Alaskan Earthquake, 1966, Genie Chance papers, Archives and Special Collections, Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.In the photo above, water from Cook Inlet flooded the townDuring the 1964 Alaska earthquake, the ground in the town of Portage sank about 6 feet. That put the town below the level of high tide in Cook Inlet.The town became flooded with salt water and all the residents had to leave.In the photo above are the remains of a Portage cabin.The sign in the picture reads:“This cabin is part of the original townsite of Portage that was destroyed by the 1964 earthquake.”Salt water also killed all the trees around Portage, creating a “Ghost Forest”.There is no word about what happened to the “11 friendly people and 1 old sorehead” that once lived in this truly Alaskan town.But rest assured, that in the days, months, and years that followed, they had plenty of stories to tell about a unique place called Portage, Alaska.From our North Stars (that’s you)From our Sydney Laurence, Alaska Artist edition“A kind and wonderful lady lived by our family in Chugiak, and she had two Sydney Laurence paintings in her home. I would visit her and just marvel at those paintings and how majestic they were.”Gregory and Linda Newton sent us this kind message:“Thanks so much for this - I really enjoyed your feature on Sydney Laurence. Keep up the great work and stories!”And Avril sent us this:“Absolutely love this. I didn't know a lot about the artist at the time, but it's an incredible history and I learn something every time. Thank you so much.”Diana made this comment:“Excellent, as always!! Thank you for all you, two, do to commemorate the history of Alaska.” And George sent along this info:“I recently read a book about the history of mining on the Kenai Peninsula. The book ...
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    4 mins
  • This is Sydney Laurence, Alaska's Amazing Denali Artist
    Sep 15 2024
    His love for the mountain, known as Denali, moved him to create wonderful paintings.Mountains treat Anchorage, Alaska to the glories of summer with a splash of fireweed, a reddish flower that graces many mountains in the Great Land.But as winter approaches, “Termination Dust”, otherwise known as snow, covers the mountain tops. In early fall, when residence see Termination Dust, they know that winter is on its way. And the mountains, and Anchorage, will soon be covered with a blanket of fluffy white.The MountainOn a clear day in Anchorage, if you look to the north, nature reveals an incredible gift.A glimpse of Denali, “The Great One”. The tallest mountain in North America.The ArtistOne photographer and painter named, Sydney Laurence found the majestic beauty of Denali, captivating.His love for the mountain moved his brush to create wonderful paintings of the Great One.From Valdez, AlaskaLaurence was living in Valdez, Alaska when he decided to make a move that would change his life.In 1915, the Alaska Railroad was hiring workers in a ragged tent city that would become the town of Anchorage, Alaska.Laurence traveled to the tent city to work as a laborer on the railroad.Gold Panning - a Side HustleLooking to make a little more money, and have some adventure, Sydney tried his hand at panning for gold along Cache Creek near Talkeetna, Alaska.His Photographic Portrait DaysLater, Laurence began taking photographic portraits.His studio was in the Carol Building at 4th and E Streets in Anchorage.Where Sydney Laurence Lived in AnchorageAs his residence, Laurence lived in the Anchorage Hotel, which was operated at that time, by Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Reed.Yes, You can Share this EditionYour friends and family will be impressed when you share this edition about world-famous artist, Sydney Laurence. And when you do, they will send you one of Laurence’s painting of what was then called Mount McKinley, as a gift… well, it could happen.Thanks for reading and listening to the Alaska VIP Club. This post is public, so feel free to share it.Then in 1919Laurence began selling some of his paintings in Juneau, Alaska at a well-known gift shop ran by Belle Simpson, called the Nugget Shop.In 1920, Sydney Laurence opened a portrait studio in the Anchorage Hotel.A Full-Time PainterBy 1922, Laurence saw that his paintings were becoming more popular, so he closed his photographic portrait studio to paint full-time… But just in case – he continued to look for gold and oil near Talkeetna.By 1923, he was recognized as Alaska’s most prominent painter. President Warren G. Harding, the first U.S. President to visit Alaska, bought a Sydney Laurence painting.He Painted for a MovieWhen Cap Lathrop made the silent movie “The Chechahcos” in 1923, Laurence painted the decorative subtitle borders for the movie. He also painted 6 large landscapes that were seen in the movie.When the movie was shown outside of Alaska, it introduced the artist, Sydney Laurence, to a wider audience.BONUSMike and Mary, of the Alaska VIP Club, have created a new podcast.And while it has nothing to do with Alaska, the Relaxing Music Moment is work visiting.Take a look at the Relaxing Music Moment and relax.Laurence Becomes a “Snow Bird”In 1924, Sydney Laurence also opened a studio in Los Angeles, California. And with that, and for the rest of his life, he spent the winter in California and summers in Anchorage.In Los Angeles, he married Jeanne K. Holerman in 1928.Sydney Laurence passed away in Anchorage on September 11, 1940, and was laid to rest in the Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery.His wife Jeanne Laurence passed away in Anchorage in August 1980.BONUSWould you like to know more about Alaska’s most renowned painter?Read more about Sydney Laurence and discover.From our North Stars (that’s you)From our podcast about the Matanuska Maid dairyJim had this comment:“Dorothy Ann Shelly, the winner of the contest, was very clever in name changing "made" to "maid".Joe noticed something:“The 1935 farm picture has a 1970s Chevrolet pickup parked to one side.”Tom shared this memory:“My family camped with some friends at Moose River on the Kenai Peninsula, near where it joins the Kenai River. There was a little fast food and ice cream stand on the west side of the bridge over the Moose River that sold soft serve ice cream that used a mix made by Matanuska Maid. The best soft serve ice cream I ever had.”Connect with usA Fond MemoryDo you remember going to the bank on 4th Avenue, just up the street from the 4th Avenue Theater? They had that wonderful fish tank inset into the side of the building facing the sidewalk, and it was filled with rainbow trout.But inside the bank, they had huge Sydney Laurence paintings displayed on the walls. They were a beautiful reminder of a man, his art and a majestic place called Denali.Do you have a comment or just want to say “hey, the view is great up here on Denali!”You can either reply to this email, ...
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    5 mins
  • The Fascinating Story of Alaska's Own, Matanuska Maid Dairy
    Sep 8 2024
    Remember the name and the picture on the milk carton of the young lady on ice skates with the fur-trimmed parka? That was as much a part of your life in Anchorage as Gilman’s bread or going to see a movie at the 4th Avenue Theatre.Most of us had a carton of Matanuska Maid milk on the table at breakfast. And we all remember that the young lady on the carton was known as the Matanuska Maid.The dairy got its start in around 1935 as a cooperative created by the colonists who put together the town of Palmer, Alaska.In its first year, the co-op sold 5,458 pounds of butter and 26,000 eggs.By the 1940s, they were producing more than $1 million dollars in annual sales.A 1935 Colony FarmThe photo above shows the Raymond Rebarchek farm.Hey, we need a Name!Pictured above is Dorothy Ann Sheely Bush in 1993, she was the school girl who won the dairy naming contest. Also pictured is her mom Charlotte Sheely with Dorothy in 1935.The Matanuska colony decided, in 1935, that the dairy cooperative should have a name.A contest was held, and an interesting thing happened.Dorothy Ann Sheely, a local high school student, came up with the chosen name. Instead of Matanuska “Made”, she came up with Matanuska “Maid”. Her prize was $25. And that was a nice sum in 1935.BONUSIn 1960, Matanuska Maid wanted a name for the young lady ice skater featured on their dairy products.Mrs. John Secora of Anchorage came up with the name, “Anuska” which was the contest winner.Notice that Anuska is Matanuska without the “Mat”.Yes, You Can Share this EditionIt’s so easy to share this edition of the Alaska VIP Club with your friends or family or even co-workers… And when you do, they will be so happy that they will write a hit song about you that will make you famous… Well, it could happen.Click on the following link:Thanks for reading, the Alaska VIP Club. This post is public, so feel free to share it.A TV Weather Girl and the Matanuska MaidIn the photo above is Phyllis Hayes.Before Theda Comstock stood behind the KENI-TV channel 2 weather map, astonishing everyone with her ability to write backwards (it was really a camera trick), Phyllis Hayes was presenting the nightly TV weather.But Phyllis had another fun personality.Everyone in Anchorage, and throughout Alaska, wanted to see “Anuska”, the Matanuska Maid in person. So, the dairy chose Phyllis and some other delightful ladies, to dress up in the famous fur-trimmed outfit and meet all those eager Matanuska Maid fans at gatherings, events, and parades all over Alaska.A Fun MemoryWhen Mary of the Alaska VIP Club was a young girl in Anchorage, she used to sit at the breakfast table with her seven brothers and sisters. As they enjoyed their hot or cold cereal, they would read what was on the Matanuska Maid milk carton and scrape off the wax with their thumbnail. Then they would rotate the carton, scrape wax from the other side, then the other, then… well, you get the picture.Did you enjoy reading cereal boxes and milk cartons at breakfast? Do you still read them?Matanuska MaidLike so many things we remember in Anchorage, the 4th Avenue Theatre, Gilman’s Bakery and even KTVA channel 11, Anchorage’s first TV station, they are all gone now.And Anuska, our favorite Matanuska Maid, has hung up her ice skates for good. Our favorite dairy that began in 1935, has delivered its last quart of milk.For our purposes here at the Alaska VIP Club, it doesn’t matter why it’s gone, only that we still have the memories.For so many years, like Gilman’s bread, the 4th Avenue Theatre or KTVA channel 11, Matanuska Maid was ours… and we loved it.BONUSMike and Mary have a new podcast that we think you’ll really appreciate.It doesn’t have anything to do with Anchorage, or Alaska.It’s called, Relaxing Music Moment and you are invited to take a moment for yourself. All it takes is a moment. You deserve a break. And it’s FREE.The music will take you away, the inviting scenes will transport you.And you’ll enjoy reading the short, beautifully composed description of each moment you choose.Take a look at Relaxing Music Moment and… relax.From our North Stars (that’s you)From our podcast about the Alaska Gold RushAvril wrote:“I always find out something new even though I lived there for 12 years. It's truly amazing how these gold rush people lived in tents and survived.” Jeanne shared this:“My maternal grandfather was one of those who left Skagway for Whitehorse to look for gold and his sister, my great aunt, was a “dancehall girl” during the gold rush. My grandfather didn't strike it rich, but moved to Juneau, where he married, and my mother was born. My aunt “retired” to the Bay Area for the rest of her life. Reading your story reminded me of what my mother told me. I never had the opportunity to know either my grandfather or aunt. Just heard the stories.”Tom had this memory:“In the late 1970s while living in Juneau, my brother and brother-in-law from...
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    5 mins
  • One Daring Gold Rush Drove the Skagway, Alaska Invasion
    Sep 1 2024
    While the Klondike gold fields were in Canada, along the Yukon River, the cheapest entrance was through Skagway, Alaska, or Dyea which was located across the Lynn Canal.It’s estimated that 100,000 prospectors, known as “stampeders” packed the docks headed for Skagway and Dyea on their way to the Klondike in 1897.Most left for Alaska by steam ship from Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. Ships traveled up Alaska’s inside passage and into the Lynn Canal, the deepest Fjord in North America and one of the longest in the world. Skagway and the town of Dyea were located off the Lynn Canal.Skagway, Alaska Muddy streets and hastily thrown together boardwalks greeted weary gold seekers as they left the steam ships and made their way into Skagway. Dyea, AlaskaBefore the gold rush, Dyea was a seasonal fishing camp and a port for trading ships with goods headed for the interior of Alaska. The name Dyea means “to pack”.Gold seekers came to Dyea to use the Chilkoot Pass to get to the Klondike gold fields. When the stampeders arrived, Dyea consisted of the Healy & Wilson Trading Post, a few saloons and a rugged tent city. There was also a U.S. military contingent, but they were instructed not to interfere in civilian matters.Dyea is now, mostly, a ghost town.BONUSTake a look at this video about the history of Dyea and discoverThe Chilkoot StepsThe Chilkoot Pass led stampeders into Canada on their way to the Klondike River. The Canadian Mounties required every prospector to bring a full years worth of supplies with them. So, every person had to make many trips up and down this very long pass to get all their goods to the top. As you might imagine, while stampeders were busy making multiple trips up and down the Chilkoot, theft of supplies was rampant.The Chilkoot had steps cut into the pass that the stampeders used to get up the steep grade. It was called the “Chilkoot Steps” and it was a hard climb. Imagine doing that over and over until you had all your supplies on the top. Only to have them stolen.Yes, You can Share this EditionWould your friends or family enjoy this story about the Alaska Gold Rush?You can easily share this edition of the Alaska VIP Club with them.Just click on the following link:Thanks for reading, the Alaska VIP Club. This post is public, so feel free to share it.Enter Jeff, “Soapy” SmithA brilliant con man, Jeff Smith, brought his gang from Colorado to Skagway to take advantage of the men arriving in Skagway with money to buy goods to get them to the gold fields. And to rob miners returning to Skagway of any gold they found in the Klondike.Smith even had men working the steam ships headed to Skagway and Dyea. His men found out who had money, so that when the ship arrived and the passengers got ashore, they could be mugged or conned out of their money.Soapy Smith got the name “Soapy” after a con game. He would sell bars of soap for a dollar with the chance to find 10 dollars, 20 dollars or more, tucked inside the wrapper.However, Soapy had men planted in the crowd who would “find” the soap bars with money, causing the gathered crowd to get so excited that they would buy up all the soap, hoping to find money in the wrappers.Of course, Soapy’s men were the only ones to “find” the money (which they later had to give back to Soapy). The take was always enough for Soapy to play a few games of faro.The Skagway Telegraph OfficeThere was no telegraph service in Skagway. But Soapy came up with a brilliant con.The Skagway Telegraph office had a telegraph cable that went as far as the inlet. Inside the office, Soapy’s men would take your message and “send” it. In the backroom, Soapy’s men wrote the “replies”.People were sending telegrams about how much money they had or how much gold they found. Then Soapy’s men, who were working the Skagway Telegraph Office con, would report to the gang, who would then find various ways to steal the person’s money or gold.One Man LawThieves, thugs, and con men could operate pretty easily because Marshall Rowan was the only lawman in Skagway.Soapy had tried and failed to get Rowan in his pocket. Later, Rowan was shot and killed by a shotgun blast in a Skagway saloon. It is believed that the shooting was set up by Soapy.The End of the Klondike Gold RushIt was over in a short amount of time.Because of the hardships involved, few make it to the gold. As for Soapy Smith, some of his men robbed a lucky prospector. The prospector complained, and a mob formed to run Soapy Smith out of town.But Soapy faced down the mob and in a brief gun fight, Soapy was shot and killed.From our North Stars (that’s you)Did you know that you can comment on each edition of the Alaska VIP Club?You can either reply to this email, or you can Contact Us to say, “I’ve been to Skagway, Alaska.”A Final Word from Mike and MaryDid you strike gold?Just reading about the Alaska Gold Rush was like striking gold… But now you have to make sure that ...
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    6 mins
  • How a Quick, Dirty Tent City became Anchorage, Alaska
    Aug 18 2024
    In the spring of 1915, over 2,000 prospective workers and merchants assembled at the mouth of Ship Creek.And more were arriving every day.Shore Access was DifficultPictured above, unloading a bargeSteam Ships anchored in Cook Inlet sent out small launches that brought passengers to shore on Ship Creek Flats.It was a muddy mess. Horse and foot traffic slogged their way through mud over corduroy log paths and the few hastily laid out boardwalks.A “tent City” quickly sprang up. It was filled with a rag-tag collection of tents and temporary wood buildings. The conditions were rugged and unsanitary.Overcrowded and UnsanitaryBy June 1915, tent city was dangerously overcrowded and unsanitary.Harry and Katsuyo Kimura arrived in tent city from Seattle and took over a hand laundry. There was no running water, and the clothes that were brought to them to be cleaned were full of lice.Years later, the Kimura family went on to build Snow-White Laundry and Cleaners and the very popular restaurant, Nikko Garden. Just to name a couple.But back in 1915, the AEC, Alaska Engineering Commission ordered that by mid-August, all tents had to be moved off Ship Creek Flats and relocated up onto what is now known Government Hill and the new town site.What Caused This Rush? It Wasn’t GoldFrom May through June 1914, 11 survey parties were sent from Seattle to Alaska.The purpose of these 11 survey crews, was to determine possible routes for a proposed Alaska Railroad.BONUSTake a look at this information about the Alaska Railroad Survey Crews and enjoy.Yes, You can Share this IssueYour friends and family will say, “Wow” when you share this Tent City edition with them. And when you do, they will be so happy that they will name a bright star in the night sky after you… Well, it could happen.Click on the following link:Thanks for reading Anchorage Memories VIP Club Podcast! This post is public, so feel free to share it.U.S. President Woodrow Wilson DecidedIn April 1915, needing coal for the Pacific Fleet, the Federal Government decided to access the coal fields of the Matanuska Valley in Alaska. President Woodrow Wilson made the decision that the Alaska Railroad would run from Seward to Fairbanks. The route would take the railroad past the coal deposits of the Matanuska Valley and would end in Fairbanks.Then, in 1915, the United States Congress authorized construction of the only Federally owned railroad in the history of the U.S.Construction headquarters would be established at the mouth of Ship Creek at Cook Inlet.And because Cook Inlet could be dredged to accommodate larger ships and was a protected boat anchorage, the area was chosen as the Alaska Railroad mid-point.The goal was to lay 470 miles of railroad track. The StampedeIt was like a gold rush without the goldWhen it was announced that the AEC, Alaska Engineering Commission, was going to hire workers, thousands of people began arriving at Ship Creek Flats. Some were looking for jobs, some for lucrative business opportunities.Almost overnight, a rugged tent city sprang up among the tree stumps. And the work began.Who Drove the First Spike?Martha White, who was born in a cabin just off Cook Inlet, was selected to drive the first railroad spike.BONUSClick on the following link:See how the railroad gave birth to Anchorage and discover.The Plateau Above Ship CreekA town was beginning, so lots were then laid out for a 240 acre town site under the supervision of Andrew Christensen of the General Land Office. First House Built in AnchorageLocated in Elderberry Park at 420 M Street in Anchorage, a home was built in 1915 by Oscar Anderson. Aside from a few log cabins, It was the first wood home built in Anchorage. His home still stands today as an Anchorage tourist site.Oscar Anderson claimed to be the 18th person to set foot on what is now Anchorage. He lived in his house until his passing in 1974.BONUSTake a virtual tour of the Oscar Anderson House and enjoy.How did they arrive at a Name for this New “Town”?An election was held on August 9, 1915, to decide on an official name for the town that was springing up before their eyes.Names to consider included:Alaska CityGatewayHomesteadAnchorageLane (named after Secretary of the Interior, Franklin D. Lane)MatanuskaShip CreekTerminalWinalaskaThere were 538 votes cast.The winner was Alaska City with 146 votes.Lane came in second with 129 votes. Third choice was Anchorage with 101 votes.Then Governor J.F.A. Strong wanted “Matanuska”.The Alaska Engineering Commission (AEC) wanted the name “Ship Creek”.Enter the United States Post OfficeYes, the U.S. Post Office gave the town the name Anchorage.They appointed Roydon Chase as the first postmaster, and all mail was then sent to “Anchorage, Alaska.”The new name was quickly added to maps and news stories covering the building of the railroad and the town.Cook Inlet Pioneer and Knik NewspaperSo much was happening that a newspaper set up shop in town. From it’s ragged ...
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    9 mins
  • The Truth about Alaska's Illiamna Lake Monster
    Aug 11 2024
    Scotland has the Loch Ness monster, also known as “Nessie”.But did you know that Alaska has the Illiamna Lake Monster, also known as “Illie”?Alaska Has How Many Lakes?Alaska has over 3 million unnamed natural lakes, and about 3,197 officially named lakes.Iliamna LakeThe largest lake in Alaska is Iliamna Lake, located in Southwest Alaska at the north end of the Alaska Peninsula, about 100 miles from Seldovia, Alaska.That’s a Lot of WaterIliamna Lake is 77 miles long, up to 22 miles wide and has a depth of 988 feet.Where Did the Lake Get Its Name?The name Iliamna comes from the inland Dena’ina Athabascan name “Nila Vena” which means “island’s lake”.How Does it Compare?While Iliamna Lake is the largest in Alaska, it’s the 3rd largest lake in the entire United States and the 24th in all of North America.The Illiamna Lake MonsterAlaska’s Tlinget people tell stories of a creature in the lake, and the Aleut people tell stories of a fish-like monster in the lake.Yes, You can Share this EditionWould your friends like to discover Alaska’s Illiamna Lake Monster?They will be so happy when you share this with them, that they will send you on an all - expenses paid Alaska Cruise… well, it could happen.Thanks for reading Anchorage Memories VIP Club Podcast! This post is public, so feel free to share it.Monster SightingsIn 1942, a bush pilot named Babe Alsworth and a man named Bill Hammersley were flying over the lake.Somewhere in the middle, Alsworth spotted something unusual.Flying lower, he noticed what appeared to be giant fish. Then flying even closer, both the men saw huge fish the color of dull aluminum, The heads of the fish were broad and blunt. The tails of the fish were moving side-to-side.Note: Whales move their tails up and down.The two flew even closer and spotted several dozen fish that the two described as looking like mini-submarines. The monster fish were about 20 feet long.An Encounter with the Illiamna Lake Monster?As the story goes, an unnamed man was trolling for the Illiamna Lake Monster.He used 5/16th stainless-steel cables for fishing line with number two tuna hooks, baited with caribou meat.The cables were tied off to the struts of his float plane. Then the man sat on one of his floats as his plane drifted over the lake.Suddenly, there was a massive jerk that knocked the man into the lake. The plane was then towed away by something in the water. The man was somehow able to make it back to shore.Later, the man recovered his float plane. He discovered that three of the steel cables were gone. The 9-inch tuna hooks on the cables that remained had been straightened out.Monster StoriesThere have been many stories of sightings and encounters over the years.In 1979, the Anchorage Daily News offered a $100 thousand dollar reward to anyone who could provide conclusive evidence that proved the existence of the Illiamna Lake monster.To date, the $100 thousand dollar reward has not been claimed. A White Sturgeon?Here is one possible explanation for the Illiamna Lake monster.White Sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in North America. At up to 20 feet in length, they can weigh over 1,500 pounds. And a White Sturgeon can live for over 100 years.And by the way, White Sturgeon are bottom dwellers. Because of that, sightings are rare. And remember, Illiamna Lake is around 988 feet deep.So, while the stories are fun to hear around the campfire, the monster may just be a species of White Sturgeon, a Pacific Sleeper shark. Or? You decide.From our North Stars (that’s you)From our Anchorage Spa Swimming Pool edition.Karen sent us this comment:“Dad became a member. I remember the smell of chlorine and the “fog” when you entered the room with the pool. I also remember wading in the “kiddies” pool.”Diana told us her story:“Great job, as always! I did start my lessons there but couldn't complete them because I was too afraid of the water. My dad had thrown me in Spenard Lake, and I sank to the bottom and didn't come back up. When they finally found me, they had to give me mouth-to-mouth. I've been afraid of the water ever since.”Anne has this memory:“When the spa opened, I started to save the $200. It took 3 years. When I had enough saved in 1956, I decided that it was too late because it was time for college.I did get to swim at the Spa when I tried to train without a coach to be on the swim team at Anchorage High.”Douglas sent this comment:“I learned how to swim there when I was about 6-7. I remember the chlorine taste of the water.”Gene set along this memory:“Comically, I nearly drowned during my high school class swimming lesson at the Spa in 1957, and never did learn to swim even though I joined the Navy in '61. But many great memories of splashing around in the warm water of the pool.”Connect with USWow, do you love a good monster story? (look who’s eating all the popcorn.)Illiamna Lake is a fascinating place in Alaska, with many great stories.Do ...
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    6 mins
  • Plunge into How a Swimming Pool Became a Fascinating Memory
    Aug 4 2024
    What Are Your Memories of the Spa?Here are just a few from a post about the Spa on the Alaska VIP Club Eric remembers:“Learned to swim there. Bussed over from Clark Junior High. How did we have the time to swim before we had to get back to class?”Barbara had this to say:“For two weeks, first thing in the morning a busload of us were taken to the Spa. It was great to have swimming lessons. I still really appreciate the building design with the wall of windows. But afterward, we had to get back on the bus in our damp clothes, coats and wet hair.”Joe shares this memory:“I swam there. It was only a block from my house.”Paige remembers the swim club:“I was on a Swim Club there in 1970”Marcia has this vivid memory:“It was Heaven on earth! Our Youth Group used to go there, and I’ve never forgotten the wonder of it all.”Kathi said this:“Loved swimming there.”The Spa’s BeginningsUntil March 1953, when the Spa first opened, if you wanted to swim in or around Anchorage, you had one choice… It had to be summer, and you had to swim in a lake. Or with your rubber ducky in the bathtub.Then on March 31, 1952, a man named Edwin Suddock, a wholesale grocer, and his wife Mary, made a welcome announcement. They were going to build a private, indoor swimming pool in Anchorage.The location for the pool was at 1720 F Street between West 16th and 17th Avenues. The location was just above what would later become the Valley of the Moon Park.The initial cost estimate was $40,000 dollars. Today, that would be well over $400,000 dollars.Charter MembershipsAs a private pool, Spa memberships that allowed access for your immediate family were initially offered for 200 dollars, or around 2,000 dollars in today’s money.In less than 2 hours, they sold 35 memberships. 2 months later, they had sold 200.The Original PlanA smaller initial pool concept of a 30 by 40 foot pool was updated to 30 by 60 feet. The addition of a children’s splash pool also increased the cost of memberships.Yes, You can Share this EditionYou can share this edition of the Alaska VIP Club and podcast with your friends or family… Come to think of it, you could even share this with some folks you barely know. And they’ll love you for it.And when you share this with someone, they will be so happy that they’ll bake you a batch of your favorite cookies… well, it could happen.Thank you for reading Alaska VIP Club Podcast. This post is public, so feel free to share it.The March 1953 Grand OpeningOver 300 members enjoyed the new facility. The final cost came in at $95,000 dollars, or roughly $935,000 dollars in today’s money.Everyone loved the south-facing wall of glass.An aquatic ballet performer named Joyce Dillman was the Spa’s first lifeguard and swimming instructor.Mary of the Alaska VIP ClubAs a student at Central Junior High, I remember being bussed to the Spa in late fall.“I didn’t know how to swim, so I started with a group as a beginner. Other students were in the intermediate group.When our swimming lessons were over, everyone else had advanced to the next level. Everyone but me and one other student. We started and left as beginners who never learned to swim.At the end of each session I remember walking out into the crisp, cold air and getting back on the bus with my long, wet, steaming hair. Ugh!”The Fort Richardson Field HouseInterestingly, a swimming pool was also built on Fort Richardson for military personnel and their dependents about the same time as the Spa.The West High School PoolOn June 19, 1972, a public indoor pool opened at West High School. At 42 by 75 feet it was larger than the Spa’s pool and no membership was required.The Spa’s Last DaysThere are no references to “the Spa” after 1977, so it’s not clear when the Spa closed its doors.The structure around the pool was torn down in 1983.Hal Manning, the new owner, built around the pool and called the new facility the “Country Club” or the “Club House”.Mike’s MemoriesI remember driving by the Spa with my family when I was a boy. The big glass wall of windows looked very intriguing to me. And the shape of the building was very different from other Anchorage buildings.While I was at Clark Junior High, I remember when we were told that we would be taken to the Spa by bus. There we would receive swimming lessons and that those of us who didn’t know how to swim would learn how.Following our lessons, we had an open house where each of us made a solo dive into the pool and swam to the far side… When it was my turn, I didn’t dive very well and ended up doing a major “belly flop” in front of a room full of parents. Ouch!Visit our websiteA treasure chest of stories, pictures, and videos of the Anchorage we all love.Take a look at Anchorage Memories.com and enjoy.Final ThoughtsLike most of you, I have fond memories of my family driving by the Spa, then I eventually got to swim there, if only for a short time during school.So, Mary...
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  • Remarkably, an Affordable Tent was her first Anchorage, Alaska Home
    Jul 21 2024
    As the story goes, when the Anchorage Times Newspaper reporters got off work in the 1960s, they would head over to Club 25. Once there, they would buy Nellie Brown a beer (her favorite was Olympia) and she would tell stories about the very early days of Anchorage.They Met in Cordova, AlaskaJohn “Jack” Brown met Nellie Edith Shepard in Cordova, Alaska in 1911.The two were married on May 1, 1912, in Cordova and soon after traveled by boat to upper Cook Inlet and Ship Creek, where Jack began working as a Forest Ranger.Ship Creek Flats in 1912A tent on Ship Creek, that served as the Forest Service office, was also the Brown’s home when they first arrived in what would become Anchorage.Early homesteaders, J.D. “Bud” Whitney and his wife Daisy, had built a 10-foot by 14-foot cabin that later become the Brown’s home. The Browns made their furniture out of grocery store crates.When Nellie Brown spoke of the area back then, she said:“It was very peaceful and quiet. Nothing unusual happened.”Things were very spread out in those days. The Browns got their mail in Eagle River at a road house along the Iditarod Trail. And for supplies they had to go all the way across Cook Inlet to Knik.In 1913, Jack and Nellie built their own three-room cabin on Ship Creek flats.Yes, You can Share this EditionHey, do you want your friends and family to think you’re swell?Just share this edition of the Alaska VIP Club and Podcast with them. You’ll instantly become their favorite person… well, it could happen.Thank you for reading Alaska VIP Club Podcast. This post is public, so feel free to share it.Alaska Railroad DaysIn 1914, things changed when the railroad set up camp and a “tent City” full of railroad workers sprang up on the muddy banks of Ship Creek.The Brown Chicken RanchHave You Heard of “Green Lake”?In 1920, the Brown’s moved to a homestead about five miles out of Anchorage on Green Lake, where they built a log cabin and a chicken house. They named the area “Alderbrook”.In 1940, the land was selected by the U.S. Army Air Force to become Elmendorf Field, now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. The Browns sold the Alderbrook homestead for $2,500 dollars.He Met the Browns in CordovaAlaskan artist Sydney Laurence had met Nellie’s family in Cordova and remained a close friend of the Browns, who had a collection of Sydney Laurence paintings.BONUSTake a look at the fascinating life of Alaska artist Sydney Laurence and discover.348 Harvard AvenueNellie and Jack returned to Anchorage in 1925 and in 1927 they moved into a cottage on Government Hill at 349 Harvard Avenue, where they stayed for most of their lives.Nellie’s DinerNellie Brown holds a cake shaped like her diner seen in the backgroundIn the 1940s, a surplus railroad passenger car became “Nellie’s Diner” in Anchorage. It was a success. Nationally known comedian Joe E. Brown even ate there when visiting Anchorage.BONUSVisit Anchorage Memories.comA treasure chest of memories of Anchorage, AlaskaTake a look at Anchorage Memories and enjoy.There is More to the StoryThere is so much more to this story. But we’ll have to leave the Browns this way.Jack Brown passed away in 1972Nellie Brown continued to live on Government Hill until she moved to the Alaska Pioneer Home in Palmer. She passed away in 1978 at the age of 86 after living over 60 years in Anchorage.BONUSWould you like to know more?Take a look at Jack and Nellie Brown and enjoy.From Our North Stars (that’s you)From our Alaska VIP Club edition about Joe Spenard.Gene sent in this comment:“My memories of Spenard are wonderful.Our band was the house band for The Lake Shore Club, later the Fancy Moose, the Flying Machine, etc.The Youngbloods (“Get Together) with Jesse Collin Young played there and named a song on their album for beautiful lake Spenard.”A Note from Mike and MaryDid you enjoy this edition of the Alaska VIP Club and Podcast?The pioneers, who first came to the mouth of ship creek and helped begin the town of Anchorage, were a hearty bread.Do you have a comment? or did you know Nellie Brown? We’d love to hear from you. To connect with us, just reply to this email, or Contact Us to say, “I love the Anchorage Memories VIP Club”.Until Next TimeMike and MaryAlaska VIP Club.com Get full access to Alaska VIP Club at www.alaskavipclub.com/subscribe
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