• Marriage Month-Week 4: Intimacy outside of the bedroom
    Jun 26 2024

    Hey Bestie, welcome to our last week in our Marriage Month series, where we dive deep into nurturing and strengthening your marriage God's way. In this episode, we're exploring the vital aspects of intimacy beyond the bedroom. Join us as we delve into four main topics:

    1. Emotional Intimacy: Discover how to build a deeper emotional bond with your spouse. We'll discuss the importance of vulnerability, active listening, and expressing love and appreciation in meaningful ways.
    2. Spiritual Intimacy: Learn how to grow together spiritually by incorporating prayer, worship, and faith-based activities into your daily lives. We'll share tips on creating a shared spiritual journey that strengthens your relationship and brings you closer to God.
    3. Relational Intimacy: Understand the dynamics of relational intimacy and how to cultivate a strong, supportive partnership. We'll cover the significance of shared experiences, quality time, and effective communication in fostering a lasting connection.
    4. Overcoming Challenges: Every marriage faces obstacles, but with God's guidance, you can overcome them together. We'll discuss common challenges and provide practical advice on how to navigate through tough times, strengthen your bond, and emerge stronger.

    Tune in to this enriching episode as we explore how to deepen your intimacy in all areas of your marriage, ensuring a loving, lasting, and God-centered relationship.

    Connect with us on FB or Instagram! Check out our linktr.ee/2bhm to request Christina and I to speak at your event. We would love to be a part of your Homeschool Convention, Mom’s weekend, Marriage event or Women’s event.

    Music intro & exit clip credit: Miami Sunset-JAK @RFM_NCM Radio

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    20 mins
  • Marriage Month-Week 3: What to do when you’re ready to give up in your marriage…
    Jun 19 2024

    Hey Bestie!! In this heartfelt episode, we tackle one of the most challenging moments in any marriage: the feeling of wanting to give up. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by conflict, distance, or simply the wear and tear of daily life, we're here to offer hope and guidance. Join us as we delve into three crucial aspects that can help you navigate this difficult time:

    1. Recognizing the Struggle: Understand the common signs and root causes of marital distress. We'll explore how to identify when your relationship is in trouble and what these struggles mean for both you and your partner.
    2. Understanding God's Design for Marriage: Discover the spiritual foundation of marriage according to God's plan. We'll discuss how faith and divine purpose can provide strength and clarity, reminding us why marriage is worth fighting for.
    3. Practical Steps to Take When You Feel Like Giving Up: Get actionable advice on how to address your struggles head-on. From communication techniques to seeking professional help, we'll provide practical steps to help you and your partner reconnect and rebuild your bond.

    Tune in to find inspiration, faith, and practical solutions that can help you turn the tide in your marriage. Whether you're deeply struggling or just looking for ways to strengthen your relationship, this episode offers the support and wisdom you need.

    Connect with us on FB or Instagram! Check out our linktr.ee/2bhm to request Christina and I to speak at your event. We would love to be a part of your Homeschool Convention, Mom’s weekend, Marriage event or Women’s event.

    Music intro & exit clip credit: Miami Sunset-JAK @RFM_NCM Radio
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    34 mins
  • Marriage Month-Week 2: Celebrating Fathers: Honoring, Healing, and Happiness
    Jun 12 2024
    Hey Bestie! In this special Father's Day episode, we delve into the profound impact fathers have on our lives, guided by a biblical worldview. Join us as we explore three key themes that will touch your heart and inspire you to honor the fathers in your life.

    1. The Role of the Husband/Dad: Discover the divine calling of fathers as we discuss the biblical perspective on fatherhood. We’ll explore the vital role of husbands and dads in nurturing their families, leading with love, and embodying Christ-like qualities. Learn how fathers are meant to be the spiritual anchors of their homes, shaping their children’s faith and character through their example.

    2. Healing from Father Hurt: Father’s Day can be a bittersweet occasion for those who have experienced pain and disappointment in their relationships with their dads. We address the difficult but essential journey of healing from father wounds. Through scriptural insights and personal testimonies, we offer hope and practical steps towards forgiveness, reconciliation, and emotional healing.

    3. Personal stories and tips to make a great Father's Day for your Spouse: Celebrate Father’s Day by making it memorable and meaningful for your spouse. We share heartfelt personal stories and practical tips to honor and appreciate the fathers in your life. From thoughtful gifts to special activities, learn how to create a day filled with love, gratitude, and joy, reflecting the biblical principles of honoring those who lead and nurture us.

    Tune in to be inspired and equipped with wisdom to celebrate Father’s Day in a way that truly honors and uplifts the fathers in your life.

    Music intro & exit clip credit: Miami Sunset-JAK @RFM_NCM Radio
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    32 mins
  • Marriage Month-Week 1: God's Design for Marriage
    Jun 5 2024

    Hey Bestie! In this enlightening episode, we delve into the profound wisdom of God's design for marriage. Join us as we explore:

    1. God's Covenantal Design: Understand the deep spiritual significance of marriage as a covenant, reflecting God's unbreakable promises and eternal love.
    2. Biblical Roles and Responsibilities: Discover the distinct yet complementary roles assigned to husbands and wives, rooted in scripture, fostering harmony and mutual respect within the marital relationship.
    3. The Sanctity of Marriage: Appreciate the sacredness of marriage, recognizing it as a holy institution ordained by God, meant to be cherished and upheld in all its purity.

    Tune in to gain fresh insights and practical guidance for nurturing a marriage that aligns with God's divine blueprint. Whether you're married, engaged, or simply curious, this episode offers valuable perspectives on living out a godly union.

    Music intro & exit credit: Miami Sunset-JAK @RFM_NCM Radio
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    25 mins
  • Sunshine and Fresh Air: Why Outdoor Time Matters
    May 29 2024

    Hey Bestie, welcome to our latest episode, "Sunshine and Fresh Air: Why Outdoor Time Matters," where we dive into the incredible benefits of spending time outdoors. In this episode, we explore how outdoor activities can significantly contribute to the health and emotional well-being of both children and their parents.

    Key Points Covered:

    1. Health, Emotional and Developmental Benefits for Children:
    • Discover the numerous advantages that come with spending time outside, from boosting physical health to enhancing emotional well-being.
    • Learn how outdoor play can improve children's motor skills, immune system, and overall fitness.
    • Understand the positive impact on mental health, including reduced anxiety, increased happiness, and better focus.
    • Find out how regular outdoor activities support children's cognitive and social development.
    • Hear about the ways nature-based play encourages creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.
    • Explore how these benefits can lay a strong foundation for lifelong health and success.
    1. What Outdoor Time Does for Mom:
    • Moms, discover how spending time outdoors can be a game-changer for your well-being too!
    • Uncover the stress-relieving effects of nature and how it can rejuvenate your mind and body.
    • Learn tips on how to incorporate outdoor time into your routine, enhancing your energy levels and mood.
    1. Outdoor Summer Activity Ideas:
    • Get inspired with a variety of fun and engaging outdoor activities perfect for summer.
    • From family hikes and beach days to backyard camping and nature scavenger hunts, we’ve got ideas for everyone.
    • Hear about creative ways to make the most of your time outside, ensuring memorable experiences for both kids and adults.
    • Make sure to check out Ginny Yurich’s website: www.1000hoursoutside.com and her new book!

    Join us as we celebrate the joys and benefits of outdoor time. Whether you're looking to boost your family's health, find peace in nature, or simply enjoy the sunny days ahead, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips. Tune in and let's embrace the sunshine and fresh air together!

    Music intro & exit credit: Miami Sunset-JAK @RFM_NCM Radio

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    35 mins
  • The Frumpy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Embracing Imperfection
    May 22 2024

    Hey Bestie! Join us in this heartwarming episode as we delve into the world of frumpy homeschool moms. We'll explore what it means to embrace imperfection and find beauty in the chaos of daily life. From messy kitchens to piles of laundry, we'll share personal stories and practical tips for thriving in the midst of it all.

    Discover the power of self-care for homeschool moms as we discuss simple yet effective ways to prioritize your well-being amidst the demands of homeschooling. Whether it's carving out moments of solitude for a cup of tea or indulging in a guilty pleasure novel, we'll explore the importance of nurturing yourself so you can better nurture your family.

    So, if you're a frumpy homeschool mom in need of encouragement and inspiration, this episode is for you. Tune in and discover the beauty in imperfection as we navigate the joyful chaos of homeschooling together.

    Music intro & exit credit: Miami Sunset-JAK @RFM_NCM Radio

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    24 mins
  • Homeschooling Adventures: Planning Your Summer
    May 15 2024

    Hey Bestie! As the school year winds down, many homeschooling families embark on exciting summer adventures filled with learning opportunities and family fun. In this episode, we delve into the world of homeschooling and explore creative ideas for planning your summer as a homeschooling family.

    Join us as we discuss how homeschooling provides the flexibility to tailor summer activities to your family's unique interests and educational goals. From nature exploration and outdoor adventures to hands-on projects and cultural experiences, the possibilities are endless for enriching your summer while continuing to nurture a love for learning.

    We'll share practical tips and resources for designing a summer schedule that balances structured learning with relaxation and exploration. Whether you're traveling, participating in summer camps, or enjoying stay-at-home activities, we'll help you make the most of your summer break while fostering curiosity and creativity in your children.

    Additionally, we'll explore the benefits of incorporating themed units or special projects into your summer curriculum, allowing children to delve deeper into topics of interest and develop valuable skills in areas such as science, history, art, and more.

    Join us as we embark on a journey of summer learning and discovery, celebrating the joys of homeschooling and empowering families to create meaningful and memorable experiences together. Get ready to make this summer one filled with adventure, growth, and endless possibilities for your homeschooling family!

    If you would like to have Christina and Gale at your event, please make sure to fill out our form on our Link tree https://linktr.ee/2bhm . We are very excited about this new part of our journey and can’t wait to meet you all!

    Music intro & exit credit: Miami Sunset-JAK @RFM_NCM Radio

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    28 mins
  • Mother's Day Special: The Value of Motherhood
    May 8 2024

    Join us for a heartfelt Mother's Day special episode as we dive deep into the timeless value of motherhood. In this episode, we explore the profound significance of mothers through biblical examples, reflect on God's design for motherhood in today's culture, and share thoughtful ideas on how to make your mom feel truly cherished on Mother's Day.

    First, we draw inspiration from biblical narratives that highlight the pivotal roles of mothers. From the unwavering faith of Sarah and the nurturing love of Hannah to the selfless sacrifice of Mary, we uncover timeless lessons and insights into the essence of motherhood as depicted in Scripture.

    Next, we examine God's design for motherhood in the context of our modern culture. Despite the ever-changing societal norms and challenges, we discover how the fundamental principles of love, nurturing, and spiritual leadership remain steadfast in guiding mothers through their journey of raising children.

    Finally, we offer practical and heartwarming ideas on how to honor and celebrate your mom on Mother's Day. Whether it's through personalized gifts, meaningful gestures, or simply spending quality time together, we explore ways to express gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable role mothers play in our lives.

    Join us as we delve into the depth of the value of motherhood, celebrating the remarkable women who shape our lives with their love, wisdom, and unwavering support. This special episode is a tribute to all mothers, reminding us of the immeasurable impact they have on our hearts and souls.

    Music intro & exit credit: Miami Sunset-JAK @RFM_NCM Radio

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    33 mins