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New Releases
When the Naughty Step Makes Things Worse
- Parenting for Children (and Adults) Who Need Something Different
- By: Dr. Naomi Fisher, Eliza Fricker
- Narrated by: Imogen Wilde, Katy Sobey
- Length: 10 hrs and 37 mins
- Unabridged
This down-to-earth guide is for parents who need something different. It's for those who are fighting battles where they didn't know battles could be fought. It's for those who suspect that what they are doing isn't helping - but they don't know what else to do. It's for families who need a better way to live and who want their children (and themselves) to thrive.
By: Dr. Naomi Fisher, and others
Habits for Healing
- Reclaim Your Purpose, Peace, and Power
- By: Nakeia Homer
- Narrated by: Nakeia Homer
- Length: 5 hrs and 48 mins
- Unabridged
In Habits for Healing, Nakeia Homer sheds light on simple, powerful acts that move us toward healing and help us to escape patterns of burnout, toxic relationships, and emotional exhaustion. Drawing on her work guiding others and her own experience of healing from a traumatic childhood, she helps listeners find healing in their everyday rhythms.
By: Nakeia Homer
Stop Walking on Eggshells for Partners
- What to Do When Your Partner Has Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- By: Randi Kreger, Bill Eddy LCSW JD
- Narrated by: Rachel Perry
- Length: 11 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
BPD and NPD expert Randi Kreger provides targeted resources to help you build the confidence you need to navigate your relationship safely and effectively. Packed with in-depth information and proven-effective skills, this guide will help you evaluate your relationship, discover what you truly want and need, and gain the courage needed to make healthy decisions.
By: Randi Kreger, and others
Do You Still Talk to Grandma?
- When the Problematic People in Our Lives Are the Ones We Love
- By: Brit Barron
- Narrated by: Brit Barron
- Length: 3 hrs and 36 mins
- Unabridged
Brit Barron gets it. Those people who hurt us with their bigotry and ignorance . . . they’re often the people we love: They’re our friends, our parents, our grandparents, and even our religious leaders. And what we want is for them to grow, not to be canceled by an online mob. So what can it look like to strive for justice without causing new harm or giving up on the people we love? Barron shows that the way forward is to create a gracious and risky space for people to learn and evolve. We need to form the sorts of relationships where we can tell difficult truths, set boundaries, forgive, and share stories of our own failings.
By: Brit Barron
Rodeados de narcisistas
- Cómo detectar, esquivar y protegerte de las personas tóxicas (sin morir en el intento)
- By: Thomas Erikson, Ana Camallonga - traductor
- Narrated by: Oscar Barberán
- Length: 9 hrs and 40 mins
- Unabridged
El autor de la serie de éxito internacional Rodeados de idiotas, con más de 10 millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo, nos ayuda a manejar a los narcisistas en nuestro día a día.
By: Thomas Erikson, and others
How to Talk to Your Enemies
- 101+ Ways to Turn Hostility into Peace
- By: Alicia Dunams
- Narrated by: Alicia Dunams
- Length: 6 hrs and 17 mins
- Unabridged
We live in a time of social and interpersonal conflict unprecedented since the upheavals of the 1960s—and perhaps even since the Civil War. Evolving social roles, astonishing political turmoil, the rise of “cancel culture,” and the necessity of difficult conversations leave people wondering what to say—at the workplace, in social and civic groups, and around the family dinner table.
By: Alicia Dunams
When the Naughty Step Makes Things Worse
- Parenting for Children (and Adults) Who Need Something Different
- By: Dr. Naomi Fisher, Eliza Fricker
- Narrated by: Imogen Wilde, Katy Sobey
- Length: 10 hrs and 37 mins
- Unabridged
This down-to-earth guide is for parents who need something different. It's for those who are fighting battles where they didn't know battles could be fought. It's for those who suspect that what they are doing isn't helping - but they don't know what else to do. It's for families who need a better way to live and who want their children (and themselves) to thrive.
By: Dr. Naomi Fisher, and others
Habits for Healing
- Reclaim Your Purpose, Peace, and Power
- By: Nakeia Homer
- Narrated by: Nakeia Homer
- Length: 5 hrs and 48 mins
- Unabridged
In Habits for Healing, Nakeia Homer sheds light on simple, powerful acts that move us toward healing and help us to escape patterns of burnout, toxic relationships, and emotional exhaustion. Drawing on her work guiding others and her own experience of healing from a traumatic childhood, she helps listeners find healing in their everyday rhythms.
By: Nakeia Homer
Stop Walking on Eggshells for Partners
- What to Do When Your Partner Has Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- By: Randi Kreger, Bill Eddy LCSW JD
- Narrated by: Rachel Perry
- Length: 11 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
BPD and NPD expert Randi Kreger provides targeted resources to help you build the confidence you need to navigate your relationship safely and effectively. Packed with in-depth information and proven-effective skills, this guide will help you evaluate your relationship, discover what you truly want and need, and gain the courage needed to make healthy decisions.
By: Randi Kreger, and others
Do You Still Talk to Grandma?
- When the Problematic People in Our Lives Are the Ones We Love
- By: Brit Barron
- Narrated by: Brit Barron
- Length: 3 hrs and 36 mins
- Unabridged
Brit Barron gets it. Those people who hurt us with their bigotry and ignorance . . . they’re often the people we love: They’re our friends, our parents, our grandparents, and even our religious leaders. And what we want is for them to grow, not to be canceled by an online mob. So what can it look like to strive for justice without causing new harm or giving up on the people we love? Barron shows that the way forward is to create a gracious and risky space for people to learn and evolve. We need to form the sorts of relationships where we can tell difficult truths, set boundaries, forgive, and share stories of our own failings.
By: Brit Barron
Rodeados de narcisistas
- Cómo detectar, esquivar y protegerte de las personas tóxicas (sin morir en el intento)
- By: Thomas Erikson, Ana Camallonga - traductor
- Narrated by: Oscar Barberán
- Length: 9 hrs and 40 mins
- Unabridged
El autor de la serie de éxito internacional Rodeados de idiotas, con más de 10 millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo, nos ayuda a manejar a los narcisistas en nuestro día a día.
By: Thomas Erikson, and others
How to Talk to Your Enemies
- 101+ Ways to Turn Hostility into Peace
- By: Alicia Dunams
- Narrated by: Alicia Dunams
- Length: 6 hrs and 17 mins
- Unabridged
We live in a time of social and interpersonal conflict unprecedented since the upheavals of the 1960s—and perhaps even since the Civil War. Evolving social roles, astonishing political turmoil, the rise of “cancel culture,” and the necessity of difficult conversations leave people wondering what to say—at the workplace, in social and civic groups, and around the family dinner table.
By: Alicia Dunams
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation mit Kindern - Sag Ja, zu GFK!
- Kinder richtig verstehen und Konflikte mit Respekt und Empathie lösen - In einfachen Schritten zu einer harmonischen Eltern-Kind-Beziehung
- By: Julia Sanders
- Narrated by: Miriam Gronau
- Length: 2 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation mit Kindern - Mit raffinierten GFK Methoden Konflikte im Familienalltag konstruktiv, friedlich und zielführend lösen. Arten Meinungsverschiedenheiten mit Ihren Kindern schnell in aggressive Streitgespräche aus? Wünschen Sie sich in Ihrer Familie ein harmonisches Miteinander ohne anstrengende Auseinandersetzungen? Haben Sie das Gefühl, dass sich bei der Kommunikation mit Ihren Kindern schnell Missverständnisse entwickeln, die zu nervenaufreibenden Konflikten führen? Dann ist dieses Hörbuch ein absolutes Muss für Sie!
By: Julia Sanders
Alles, was dazwischenliegt
- Von der Kunst, innere Widersprüche und Mehrdeutigkeit auszuhalten
- By: Nesibe Kahraman
- Narrated by: Ulrike Kapfer
- Length: 6 hrs
- Unabridged
Ambiguitätstoleranz: der Schlüssel zu einem besseren Leben für dich und mich. Ob bei Beziehungskonflikten, politischen Ansichten oder in der Erziehung: Zwischentöne und unterschiedliche Perspektiven in unserem Denken, Handeln und Fühlen zuzulassen, verlangt uns viel ab. Die Psychotherapeutin Nesibe Kahraman erklärt in ihrem neuen Hörbuch, warum Ambiguitätstoleranz für unser eigenes Wohlbefinden und für ein gutes Miteinander unerlässlich ist und wie wir lernen, die vielen Mehrdeutigkeiten in unserem Leben besser auszuhalten.
By: Nesibe Kahraman
Neurological Intelligence, Volume 3: A Guide for Empowered Loving Relationships
- By: Glenn Cohen
- Narrated by: Glenn S. Cohen
- Length: 10 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
Neurological Intelligence, Volume 3: A Guide for Empowered Loving Relationships navigates the complexities of committed love relationships and explores how unresolved neurological wounds can create unique challenges that lead to reactivity and conflict. By examining and resolving these dynamics, couples can rediscover the connection and passion that brought them together and create a new, more resilient bond of safety, certainty, and trust.
By: Glenn Cohen
Strong Enough for a Man But Made for a Woman
- By: Danny Lampkin
- Narrated by: Mike Martinez
- Length: 2 hrs and 29 mins
- Unabridged
Strong Enough for a Man but Made for a Woman is a controversial analysis of great importance that many people intentionally ignore today. Three of which are the challenges in coparenting, child custody and support laws, and the Family Court System that is certainly capable of supporting fathers but is inherently designed for mothers, nonetheless. Through a series of real-life experiences, research, and the legalities of child support, the author examines the correlation between the narcissistic parent and the absent parent.
By: Danny Lampkin
Beziehungskonferenz: Wege zu einem konstruktiven Miteinander
- By: Linda Adams
- Narrated by: Ingo Take
- Length: 7 hrs and 23 mins
- Unabridged
Ein effektives Trainingsprogramm für mehr Selbstverwirklichung! Das berühmte Gordon-Trainingskonzept hat bereits Millionen Menschen dabei unterstützt, sich und andere besser zu verstehen. In Zusammenarbeit mit Thomas Gordon übertragen Linda Adams und Elinor Lenz nun das "Konferenz"-Konzept auf den Bereich "Selbstverwirklichung innerhalb der Gruppe" und zeigen in einfachen, aber effektiven Schritten, wie man innere Unabhängigkeit und Freiheit erlangen kann.
By: Linda Adams
Amor detox
- By: Carolina Novoa Arias
- Narrated by: Laura Robayo
- Length: 5 hrs and 58 mins
- Unabridged
Una relación que te sane y no te enferme. Las relaciones de pareja, cuando son sanas, nos pueden hacer sentir que hemos encontrado un lugar, un hogar, una razón para existir, es más, nos pueden ayudar a mejorar y a sanar física y emocionalmente. Pero, cuando el amor mal entendido se torna tóxico, su propia fuerza nos puede enfermar. Y seamos honestos, no todas las relaciones de pareja son buenas para la salud.