• Nietzsche and Nagarjuna Awaken from Dualism by Dale Wright
    Sep 15 2024

    Friedrich Nietzsche’s most famous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, is a fictional account of a spiritual quest by his protagonist, Zarathustra, who after ten years of meditative retreat in the wilderness, descends from the mountains to teach what he has learned to awaken the spirit of humanity. Written in archaic, scripture-style language, Nietzsche considered this creative narrative his most important statement on the possibility of human enlightenment and on the reactionary human resistance to higher evolutionary forms of life.

    The story below, written by Dale Wright and narrated by Krzysztof Piekarski, follows Nietzsche’s Zarathustra in both archaic style and its focus on spiritual awakening but brings a fictional Buddhist named Nagarjuna into dialogue with Nietzsche’s spiritual pilgrim. In the same sense that Nietzsche’s Zarathustra is not the same as the ancient Persian Zoroastrian by that name, our fictional Nagarjuna is not to be identified with the famous second century Buddhist logician of that name, even though the two share Buddhist perspectives and concerns. In our story, Zarathustra, Nagarjuna and the mayor of a local village debate each other on what might be at stake in waking up to the realities of life. All quotations are from one section of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, a section called “the Three Evil Things.”

    Get full access to Fire Philosophy: Nietzsche, Zen, and How to Live at firephilosophy.substack.com/subscribe
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    23 mins
  • Zen and Politics: Q & A with Dale Wright
    Aug 29 2024

    Dale Wright joins his fellow Fire Philosophers to discuss Krzysztof’s essay about the middle way between “Keep Politics out of Zen” and “Buddhists vote for X.”

    We heartily enjoyed the conversation and hope you will join us for the next ones!

    The original essay can be found here:

    Below you can find our backlog of conversations in podcast format:

    Get full access to Fire Philosophy: Nietzsche, Zen, and How to Live at firephilosophy.substack.com/subscribe
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    47 mins
  • Dale and Krzysztof Discuss the films Red and Perfect Days
    Jul 16 2024

    Exploring Loneliness and Justice: A Discussion on 'Red' and 'Perfect Days'

    Join our conversation where we delve into the themes of loneliness, solitude, and justice in two profound films: 'Red' from the Three Colors Trilogy and the recent 'Perfect Days.' Our discussion is inspired by a Nietzsche quote and explores how these cinematic works address human connection, self-reflection, and the notion of living a meaningful life. We uncover the nuances of characters navigating isolation amidst interwoven destinies and reflect on the lessons these films offer for our own lives. Watch and explore how mindfulness, simplicity, and justice play pivotal roles in shaping our existential journey.

    Get full access to Fire Philosophy: Nietzsche, Zen, and How to Live at firephilosophy.substack.com/subscribe
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    53 mins
  • The Way of Travel: Dale explores Sicily + Krzysztof practices Zen in Molokai
    Jun 4 2024

    Direct self-observation is not nearly sufficient for us to know ourselves: we require history, for the past continues to flow within us in a hundred waves; we ourselves are, indeed, nothing but that which at every moment we experience of this continued flowing… To understand history… we have to travel… to other nations... and especially to where human beings have taken off the garb of Europe or have not yet put it on. ~ Nietzsche, Human, All too Human

    In this easy-going conversation, Dale and Krzysztof reflect on their recent travels to Sicily, Italy and Molokai, Hawaii, respectively.

    Churches were seen, ruins explored, Zen temples experienced, and lessons on How to Live cultivated.

    We hope you enjoy.

    Get full access to Fire Philosophy: Nietzsche, Zen, and How to Live at firephilosophy.substack.com/subscribe
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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Part II Conversation with Karen King, Harvard Divinity School
    Apr 14 2024
    This is part II of our conversation with Karen King. For Part I, please click here.The following automated transcript of our conversation inevitably alters or distorts some of the content of the recording. The original recording is by far the better and more accurate representation of what’s on our minds when we offer Fire Philosophy audio-video events such as this one. We share this transcript anyway, but ask that you not quote it due to the frequency of its errors.Dale Wright: Our word passion in English (and probably goes to other European languages for a while at least) allows both good and not-so-good outcomes, right?Mozart was passionate and great athletes are passionate and yes, people, murder so on. So as you get both the extremes, I wonder, was there a word in Coptic or ancient Greece that could encompass? Or it was just pure energy and mental enthusiasm that wasn't necessarily either negative or positive? Karen King: Well, “love” would be one of those? You know there was the potential for ecstatic experiences of all kinds but if you think of passion, of course, it comes from the Latin related to the word “passive” and “passivity” is being subject to something and so the question is what you're being subject to, and certainly Christian texts and presumably this one as well would understand that receiving the Holy Spirit at baptism would be a kind of possession, which is something that Christians understood.Dale Wright: St. Francis receiving passionata. Karen King: Or just anybody who was baptized, it would be an exorcism of evil spirits and a possession by the Holy Spirit. So that everybody is in that sense, possessed by spirits is just who's in charge. But yeah, no, strong feeling but not the anger of Peter and not jealousy that he shows in this text and so on and so forth those are leading him astray. Dale Wright: I'm really interested in mind body dualism as it pops up, and I have a sense, having studied the history of religions across the Euro-Asian landmass, that at roughly the same time, it was just happening everywhere and that it took very similar forms.So you find Buddhist versions of this and Hindu versions of this and Chinese versions of this, although Chinese is a little bit on the outskirts. But something was happening in the broad spectrum of human culture, where there was elevation of culture through communication across duration that gave rise to that ability to say “I'm not my body.”I'm not just my body, I have a mind and to not think of yourself as just body and therefore to be able to maybe stand back from your anger or hatred and so on that those capacities are just becoming human, that they're evolving into human cultures and that it's happening across the board in really similar, although slightly different ways, and that the mental, spiritual advantages of that realization or that thought, whether true or not, carries forth into the enormous learning that's given rise to contemporary culture all the way through the history of West and East where the focus on the mind or the spirit may be over the body or in juxtaposition with the body— that development was enormously consequential for the evolution of human culture and that literacy probably had a great deal to do with it. The invention and the spread of literary capacity, so the growth of knowledge— you didn't have to hold everything in your head and the ability to learn gives rise to repercussions of the mind-body split that I think we forget in contemporary culture where we're so negative about mind body dualism, right?So since the 19th century—we European, Western culture anyway, but elsewhere as well—engage in fierce critique of mind-body dualism. And we do it because of Darwin and the implications of our— I mean, it's only been two centuries since we've understood at all that we're animals, that we're mammals, and that we are connected to this animal world.And the rehabilitation of the Olympics, from its end of the Olympic Games in Greece, all the way through, you know, athletics is gone or sidelined, and in the 19th century this happens in Germany, in France, in England, all of these cultures begin to give rise to an interest in the body and its connection to the mind, where we now know that our brain is the substance of our mind, or the basic framework, the substructure of our mind, and that it's part of our body, and it gives rise to mentality, and that mind and body are really one. So this whole set of thoughts just sends me reeling into an effort to understand the whole history of the evolution of human culture through that distinction that was made between spirit and matter or mind and body in this classic way, all the way across Eurasia.You don't need to respond to that question. That was a major thought that I've been mulling for, for many years now. Karen King: You talked about things like literacy that made it important and what was it like, do you think? What changes ...
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    31 mins
  • Conversation with Karen King, Harvard Divinity School
    Apr 9 2024

    Welcome Friends. Today we send you a special treat, a chance to hear Professor Karen King talk about the Gospel of Mary and its implications for our question—how to live. We recorded this conversation recently and have now divided it into two parts. We send you Part I today and the concluding section soon thereafter. We introduce Karen in the video below and know that you’ll find her discussion of this important ancient text profoundly intriguing. All best wishes from Fire Philosophy.

    Get full access to Fire Philosophy: Nietzsche, Zen, and How to Live at firephilosophy.substack.com/subscribe
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    44 mins
  • Poetry and The Infinities with Joanna Klink
    Mar 4 2024

    This is a conversation with the poet Joanna Klink about her poem sequence "The Infinities" from her collection The Nightfields.

    We discuss the tangles of poetry and language, how and why to consider becoming less efficient, how to appreciate loss, and how to be more intimate with our lives.

    Get full access to Fire Philosophy: Nietzsche, Zen, and How to Live at firephilosophy.substack.com/subscribe
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    51 mins
  • On Aspiration with Professors Agnes Callard and Dale Wright
    Feb 15 2024

    The recorded video conversation below with Professor Agnes Callard focuses on the experience of aspiration in life—what it means to aspire to a form of life beyond your current state. For many years this has been a topic of focal interest for me, so the recent publication of Callard’s book, Aspiration: The Agency of Becoming drew me into her readership immediately. Agnes Callard is a renowned scholar and thinker at the University of Chicago who writes with great insight and clarity. In addition to her books, she has written for the New York Times and the New York Review of Books, as well as other widely read publications.

    She was the featured subject of an article in The New Yorker in March of 2023, titled Agnes Callard’s Marriage of the Minds.”

    We write at firephilosophy.substack.com

    Get full access to Fire Philosophy: Nietzsche, Zen, and How to Live at firephilosophy.substack.com/subscribe
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    37 mins